Another wonderful job of matching words of wisdom to the image. Well done.
Another wonderful job of matching words of wisdom to the image. Well done.
Scape.996 It is Life everywhere, whether we realize it or not...
Your statement is perfect! (The ant is tiny and necessary but they certainly can cause mischief, can't they?)
996, very dramatic color capture and nicely quoted.
Very nice...but a bit dark...
But Nandy...sometimes, ignorance can be blissed. And hilarious! if not outrightly annoying...Scape.998
To take a proper stand on an issue, first you must have a proper understanding of the issue...
It is better to turn one's back than express your thoughts about some issues. But there are many issues where I do not back off because the issue is worth fighting for. So true, understand first and not jump to conclusion.
998, nicely captured and quoted.
999, nicely captured and quoted.
1000, nicely captured and quoted.
Wings of Hope. A few years back (3 or 4?), I did a photoshoot with some members of the Jaguar Club who donated their time and money for an outfit called Wings of Hope. There is one located here in Chesterfield where we live:
Not patting my back but they really do a good job themselves. Nice shot, Nandy...
Scape 997: I almost overlooked the ant! The quote that accompanies the image is very true. Great work.
As always, Nandakumar, beautiful photographs accompanied by true and thoughtful statements.
Scape 992: Very nice separation of various shades of green in this wonderful image. I think it's a type of fern, but I'm not certain.
Scape 993: Excellent photo of a damselfly.
Scape 995: Beautiful photo, Nandakumar, and a very true statement.
Scape 996: Another beautiful photograph! I particularly like the droplets of water on the flower's petals.
Scape 997: The beautiful color tones of yellow and green in the plant's pistil and stamen are eye-catching! Great capture.