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Thread: My 2014 Weekly Photos

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Once again, I will try to post at least one photo per week during 2014. The scenes will vary to show something of the area where I live and things going on here.

    In order to keep this thread withing a reasonable size I will split it into 4 sections. My previous Weekly Photo 2013 thread ended here My 2013 Weekly Photos - Part 3

    Week 01 - Between the Storms

    During a quick calmer spell I noticed some interesting clouds towards the harbour entrance but by the time I got my camera (no more than 5 minutes) everything had changed and this was the best of what remained.

    Anyway, it will give an indication of what the harbour entrance looks like when facing seawards (south).

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    40D with Canon 24-105 lens 1/250 F11 Iso 400.

  2. #2

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Week 02 - Car Park closed (unless you pay harbour dues)

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    7D with Tamron 24-70 lens 1/400 F11 Iso 1000. I could have got away with reducing the Iso but this was just a quick shot while I was shooting scenes which required a faster speed.

    A stream runs down this valley then underneath the car park and road. Storms block the outlet pipe with sand and rocks so flooding regularly occurs during the winter.

    Unblocking the outlet pipe.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    1/250 F6.3 Iso 400. I had reduced the Iso because of potential noise but maybe I should have increased it a little to give a narrower aperture and faster shutter speed. Although due to the amount of moisture in the air, including heavy showers, I doubt that I would have gained any sharper depth of focus.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    1/200 F6.3 Iso 1000. Due to failing light I had to return to a higher Iso.

    Keep the flag flying and carry on - never mind the weather!

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    1/100 F6.3 Iso 400. I tried a few shots, like this one, with a lower Iso but most failed due to having too low a shutter speed when there was movement in the scene.

  3. #3
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Very interesting indeed!...

  4. #4

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Geoff, thanks for explaining your thought process and what was required to get the shots you did. Enjoyed viewing all the images but the first one of the harbour entrance is a real beauty.


  5. #5
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Yes, between the storms is a beautiful scene. I adore the composition.

  6. #6

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Thanks for the comments.

  7. #7

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Week 03 - Sheltered Moorings

    There was a slightly brighter day so I thought I ought to do something. But looking seawards was going to be impossible due to the spray and general moisture in the air.

    So I turned the other way and went up the estuary where there was slightly better light. But far from good.

    Fishing boats, and some other craft, normally moor closer to the town, and the sea, but during spells of heavy weather they seek sheltered moorings further up the estuary.

    Firstly, a wider shot which sets the scene.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    1/250 F11 Iso 400. 7D with Tamron 24-70 lens. I needed a narrow aperture to focus on the trees but retain sharp focus on most of the remaining scene.

    And a closer shot. I tried many different angles and settings but just couldn't get what I wanted. Then this barge moved past and I realised this would give me the missing middle distance interest for which I had been searching. So I quickly got into a better angle and waited for the barge to come into a suitable position.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    And quickly moving across the field to where I had previously tried some other angles.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    I managed to get the shutter speed up to 1/400 this time. But the light was very variable as the hazy sun kept going behind clouds.

    And I just made it home before the next rain!

  8. #8

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Well thought out and executed, Geoff. The estuary provided some nice opportunities.


  9. #9
    Letrow's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Good idea Geoff. I like your first shot a lot, nice clouds and silhouette. I also notice that there is quite a bit of red equipment in your neighbourhood.

  10. #10

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Letrow View Post
    Good idea Geoff. I like your first shot a lot, nice clouds and silhouette. I also notice that there is quite a bit of red equipment in your neighbourhood.
    And to add to the red theme, I treated myself to a new bright red car a couple of weeks ago!

    A rather modest little thing but they were on special offer until the end of December so I thought it is now or never.

    And regarding those clouds which were rapidly dispersing while I was fetching my camera, plus several other scenes which I have missed because I didn't want to be carrying a full set of equipment.

    Therefore, I have also ordered a fairly good quality 'pocket sized camera'. Well, a large pocket at a push! So hopefully I will get a few more of these quick shot scenes.

    More on this later.

    And - Is anybody else doing a Weekly Photos thread this year?

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    And to add to the red theme, I treated myself to a new bright red car a couple of weeks ago!

    And - Is anybody else doing a Weekly Photos thread this year?
    I like red cars and for some reason we always get red cars at home. Maybe I should buy a new car instead of secondhand, probably gives me more choice. So far 6 red cars in my life.

    Yes, I just started a thread too. I have motivational problems though, so it might take a little while before I post actual photographs ;-).

  12. #12

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Week 04 - More Estuary Scenes

    There was a brief spell between the showers when the sky became clear blue and with no wind. So I had to make use of it and tried some other views around the estuary.

    There was an angling competition in this creek. Probably fishing for flounders.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Canon 40D with 24-105 lens. 1/200 F11 Iso 200. Shooting from a narrow and rather busy road bridge, without pavements etc so I just kept as close to the wall as possible!

    And this angle shows the bridge.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    1/400 F11 Iso 200

    In Victorian times there was a busy shipyard near this spot; but these old boats were broken up for scrap in the 1950's.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    1/125 F11 Iso 200. Tried several angles but struggled to find something which looked good.

    And the remains of another old boat.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Once all the valuable scrap had been cleared the remainder was left to rot.

  13. #13

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    So far, I seem to be getting slightly ahead of myself time wise; despite the weather.

    And another week of showers with a few sunny intervals.

    Week 05 - Heavy Localised Showers.

    More views near the estuary, as another shower approaches.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    7D with Tamron 24-70. 1/250 F11 Iso 400. I don't think there is one truly vertical line in this scene; even the distant church spire has a list! So I have tried to work out a vertical alignment by taking a average from distant telephone poles.

    Shower clearing to the east.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    1/200 F11 Iso 400

    Distant shower - going in the right direction!

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    1/500 F11 Iso 400

    And finally - Lincombe Boatyard after the shower had passed.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    1/200 F11 Iso 400
    Last edited by Geoff F; 23rd January 2014 at 06:47 PM.

  14. #14
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Very nice. I think the first one is my favourite for the beautiful light, but I adore how you captured the showers and the compositions of the 2nd and 3rd.

  15. #15

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Geoff, week 4 has some interesting shots of the Estuary. It almost seems like there is not enough water for those boats to even float.

    Week 5 has some beautiful rustic views. I agree with Christina on the lighting of #1, absolutely wonderful. Great shots.


  16. #16

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    [QUOTE=unmerited;377310]Geoff, week 4 has some interesting shots of the Estuary. It almost seems like there is not enough water for those boats to even float.Sergio[/

    I's all done with secret channels, Sergio. Six feet in some places, six inches elsewhere. That is what makes boating really interesting!

    That gate shot was just luck. I had passed by on my way towards the boatyard and stopped to take a few shots looking the other way; none of these survived my later image cull.

    Then I noticed the darkening sky and returned, just in case there was a suitable shot to be had and tried a few angles.

    We have a few of these 'local design' gates which are securely fastened; and with a wide empty gap alongside them!

    Anyhow, thanks for the positive comments.

  17. #17

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    You do live in an interesting part of the world Geoff. Some nice shots that collectively tell the story of where you are. The nearest we get up here are one or two very muddy creeks.

  18. #18

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Week 06 - More from North Sands Car Park Flood

    Returned to this beach car park to see how the work was progressing. But one of the workers told me that the pipe which carries a stream, plus floodwater, under the road and onto the beach has collapsed. So once the flood water has reduced the road will need to be dug up and new pipework installed.

    Will it be done before the Easter Holidays?

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    40D with Canon 24-105 lens. 1/800 F8 Iso 200

    And a close up of the sign erected by an adjacent cafe. At least someone can still smile at adversity!

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Some of the machinery for digging/pumping.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    1/320 F8 Iso 200.

    Another view of a pump.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Behind the flooded car park is a small reedbed wildlife area; - which now has an extra attraction for the ducks!

    My 2014 Weekly Photos

  19. #19
    Otavio's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    So far, I seem to be getting slightly ahead of myself time wise; despite the weather.

    And another week of showers with a few sunny intervals.
    Hi, Geoff. Very nice images. I specially loved week 5, so far. Cheers,

  20. #20

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos

    I like week 5 and where you live is beautiful:-)

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