Originally Posted by
Mike Buckley
I'm glad you like the photos, Christina. The limitations pertaining mostly to the size of my makeshift studio and the lighting method that I used required the relatively close-up view of your seal. I agree that it would be much nicer to make an all-encompassing landscape with the seal being a much, much smaller part of the image. As it is, the photo of your seal was by far the most difficult to construct. Getting the seal to remain properly positioned on two chunks of ice held in place by the weight of modeling clay on the left and a tape measure on the right was a real challenge that almost made me abandon your seal photo.
Chauncey: I also would have preferred clearer ice, as I had images much more like photos of my clear glass in mind when Christina gave me the idea. The ice is from a 7-Eleven store. I actually don't know if clearer ice made for consumption is a reasonable expectation. Probably not at the low cost of about $2.30 for a 10-pound bag.