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Thread: is f 3.5 convenient?

  1. #21

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    Re: is f 3.5 convenient?

    Thank you Murat,place in the photo is the shore where my house is ,When you start shooting ,you just concantrate on shooting and shoot whatever you find:-)But after getting to know photography,you start choosing places and compositions to shoot..So in the beginning I photographed everything around me and you will be seeing them for a while..but after a while I have come to the same point as you ,I will have to travel to shoot in the future and this suits me fine:-)Also I had a tripod but I didn't have a remote release at that time but I have one now.I'm learning step by step..

    Quote Originally Posted by batmura View Post
    Binnur, there's nothing wrong with shooting at f/3.5 as your i age does not really necessitate front- to-back sharpness. Apart fromthe skewed horizon, I believe the main problem is your foreground. I love silhouettes as much as the next guy, but silhouettes, to me, are all about shape. In your image, the foreground is a mass of black; there is nothing that tells the viewer what it is. The colour in the sky and reflection in the sea look nice, but the foreground, which is supposedly also the main 'subject' of the image, is not well defined. Finally, if you are shooting at 1/8 of a second, you must be on a tripod using the timer or a remote release.

  2. #22
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: is f 3.5 convenient?

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    Thank you Murat,place in the photo is the shore where my house is ,When you start shooting ,you just concantrate on shooting and shoot whatever you find:-)But after getting to know photography,you start choosing places and compositions to shoot..So in the beginning I photographed everything around me and you will be seeing them for a while..but after a while I have come to the same point as you ,I will have to travel to shoot in the future and this suits me fine:-)Also I had a tripod but I didn't have a remote release at that time but I have one now.I'm learning step by step..

    Binnur - this is a perfectly normal learning progression. The first step is really getting familiar with your equipment and learnig to use it competently. It's hard to work on anything until you understand the exposure triangle and how adjusting the various controls affect more than exposure.

    The second stage is really learning about composition and starting to work on creating good, compelling images that you are proud of and people enjoy looking at. This does mean you do have to understand the mechanics of taking pictures.

    The third step is understanding that a shot straight out of the camera can be "improved" through post-processing. This means different things to different people. Some people will do minor tweaking with exposure, colour balance and the crop and not go any further, while others will spend hours in the digital darkroom creating original works of art.

    These three steps are not independent and have overlaps. You can be a very competent photographer, but when you switch to a different type of photography (say you start doing landscapes and then want to shoot people or wildlife), yout will learn how to use all of the tools at your disposal and add to your skillset.

  3. #23

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    Re: is f 3.5 convenient?

    Thanks for your encouraging comments Manfred:-) By the way ,I have asked a question about Auto Lighting Optimizer function in Canon 1100D in Technical Equipment part of the website.I don't know if that is the right place to ask that question but do you have any idea about what I asked?

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Binnur - this is a perfectly normal learning progression. The first step is really getting familiar with your equipment and learnig to use it competently. It's hard to work on anything until you understand the exposure triangle and how adjusting the various controls affect more than exposure.

    The second stage is really learning about composition and starting to work on creating good, compelling images that you are proud of and people enjoy looking at. This does mean you do have to understand the mechanics of taking pictures.

    The third step is understanding that a shot straight out of the camera can be "improved" through post-processing. This means different things to different people. Some people will do minor tweaking with exposure, colour balance and the crop and not go any further, while others will spend hours in the digital darkroom creating original works of art.

    These three steps are not independent and have overlaps. You can be a very competent photographer, but when you switch to a different type of photography (say you start doing landscapes and then want to shoot people or wildlife), yout will learn how to use all of the tools at your disposal and add to your skillset.

  4. #24
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: is f 3.5 convenient?

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    Thank you ...By the way Nandakumar India is such a colourful place,colourful people,colourful you ever shoot people and streets? If I lived in such a country I would certainly do that...
    Thank you Binnur.... i agree the color factor..... But i am afraid they may turn more colorful if they so your camera following them
    But if you venture into the rustic zone-where, according to Gadhiji the soul of India resides- the story is different; people are happy to be photographed....The multitudes of cultures open countless avenues to be ventured into, for sure..... i must admit i could not do that so far...but i dearly want to.... in future may be


  5. #25
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: is f 3.5 convenient?

    Not being a Canon shooter, I don't recognize the term. Binnur.

    I expect is is similar to what Nikon calls Active-D Lighting, which changes the curves at the bright and dark areas of the shot to preserve highlights and shadow detail. I can't say that I actively use it, as it only works with jpeg images, and most of my postings on CiC come from RAW data, which does not have any in-camera processing.

  6. #26

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    Re: is f 3.5 convenient?

    If this is the situation ,becareful where and who to shoot:-)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wavelength View Post
    Thank you Binnur.... i agree the color factor..... But i am afraid they may turn more colorful if they so your camera following them
    But if you venture into the rustic zone-where, according to Gadhiji the soul of India resides- the story is different; people are happy to be photographed....The multitudes of cultures open countless avenues to be ventured into, for sure..... i must admit i could not do that so far...but i dearly want to.... in future may be


  7. #27

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    Re: is f 3.5 convenient?

    Thank you Manfred,Richard helped me about the subject,he knows Canon.That function is similar to what you say ,it only works with jpeg format.When I start shooting raw I will turn it off.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Not being a Canon shooter, I don't recognize the term. Binnur.

    I expect is is similar to what Nikon calls Active-D Lighting, which changes the curves at the bright and dark areas of the shot to preserve highlights and shadow detail. I can't say that I actively use it, as it only works with jpeg images, and most of my postings on CiC come from RAW data, which does not have any in-camera processing.

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