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Thread: Thoughts on a simple Macro image

  1. #1
    ClaudioG's Avatar
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    Thoughts on a simple Macro image

    As the title says..your thoughts are greatly appreciated.

    Maybe on compostition, colour, texture?

    Thoughts on a simple Macro image

  2. #2
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Thoughts on a simple Macro image

    Hi Claudio,comp and colour are both fine for me,the cup,flowery thingy,you can tell i'm not green fingered lol,is your main subject so with the leaf falling on the same plane of focus its drawing your eye away from your main subject,i would try and blur this to keep the eye on the main flower.

  3. #3

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    Re: Thoughts on a simple Macro image

    There is a small over bright area to the left of the main flower. I would tone that down a little, and if possible, clone a little texture on to it.

  4. #4
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Thoughts on a simple Macro image

    Yes that pesky leaf on the left, just is pushing for attention, when not required I think.

  5. #5
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Thoughts on a simple Macro image

    Quote Originally Posted by ClaudioG View Post
    As the title says..your thoughts are greatly appreciated.

    Maybe on compostition, colour, texture?

    Thoughts on a simple Macro image
    Hi Claudio, The colors blend well and there is enough that is sharp to let my imagination wash over the remainder and 'fill in the blanks' quite nicely. Positioning of the sharpest part between the Third and the Golden Ratio is very good. Having the bulk of the discernible image on an angle of about 30° is also a plus.

    Having so much of the image that is a blur forces the viewer's attention back to the sharp object but there may be other options. There might be a bit too much dead space on the bottom and right side. You can't crop is just a little without losing the positioning of the sharp objects so I would offer the following suggestion.

    Open the image in Lytebox and with your mouse, position the sharpest part down and right until it occupies the same relative position in the frame but in the lower right of the frame rather than the upper left. The borders of the Lytebox can be used as a pseudo crop starting point. In this position, the leaf tip is more centrally located and should contribute, rather than conflict with the bud. Because the subject is then more prominent in the frame, it should strengthen the image's impact.

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Thoughts on a simple Macro image

    I agree with David,

    I would also tone down the brightness of the white blob

  7. #7
    ClaudioG's Avatar
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    Re: Thoughts on a simple Macro image

    Thank you all for your help, i wil attemp some Editing later today and repost

  8. #8

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    Re: Thoughts on a simple Macro image

    Very nice image Claudio. I like your take on macro as photography.

    Regarding post-processing, crops etc - Frank is one guy to always listen to.

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