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Thread: Eilean Donan Re-Visited

  1. #1
    ChrisH's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Wilton, Nr Salisbury, Wiltshire
    Real Name
    Christopher Hotton

    Eilean Donan Re-Visited

    As the weather was bad over the Christmas Holiday I spent time looking back into my photograph archive. I found a series of images made in June 2006 of the iconic and very beautiful Eilean Donan Castle in the West Highlands of Scotland. I took some of the original RAW files and re-edited.

    Our time at the Castle was limited and photo opportunities reduced by low tide.

    Your comments and suggestions will be gratefully received. Best viewed at larger size.

    Eilean Donan Re-Visited
    A Traditional View of Eilean Donan Castle

    Eilean Donan Re-Visited
    A Loan Piper at Eilean Donan

    Eilean Donan Re-Visited
    The Castle seen from the Mainland

    Eilean Donan Re-Visited
    The Castle’s natural moat is dry at Low Tide

    Eilean Donan Re-Visited
    Children play on an Old Canon.

  2. #2
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Eilean Donan Re-Visited

    Nice series. I like the stories of the shots themselves as you look closely at each of them...

  3. #3
    dje's Avatar
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    Dave Ellis

    Re: Eilean Donan Re-Visited

    Very nice work Chris. I like all the shots but the first is my favourite. It has great light and the clouds and mountains provide an interesting backdrop.

    I had to smile at a castle that has a dry moat at low tide - not much of a deterrant to invaders


  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Eilean Donan Re-Visited

    Very good. Just one question, 'How much did you pay the piper who was on Loan from the castle.

  5. #5
    ChrisH's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Wilton, Nr Salisbury, Wiltshire
    Real Name
    Christopher Hotton

    Re: Eilean Donan Re-Visited

    Thanks all for your replies. Geoff great pr on behalf of Eillean donnas owner. The visitors loved the piper and the Scottish laments

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