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Thread: My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Milan, Italy
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    Enrico Engelmann

    My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

    Some pictures of my favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate. From outside it can hardly be noticed. Inside it is full of frescos and decorations. All pictures are fusion of two pictures separated by 1.5 stops.
    Very little known even among the inhabitants of Milan!

    My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

    My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

    My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

  2. #2
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

    Beautiful church, beautifully photographed.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

    Nice captures.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Enrico Engelmann

    Re: My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

    Thank you to both!
    You can find other pictures and basic info about the monument on the page

  5. #5
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    Re: My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

    I'm using a Sony A58 with the 18 ~ 55 kit lens. I really appreciate the built HDR. I have it set at >7ev. It takes three exposures and stitches them together in camera, then saves them as two images- one regular exposure and the composite. I have been very impressed with my results particularly in dawn landscapes as well as high contrast landscapes/ waterscapes. The detail and colour depth in your images are awesome. I would imagine it would be a location to visit frequently in different seasons and different lights. The possibilities for images look unlimited. How do set them up?

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Enrico Engelmann

    Re: My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidTRWilliams View Post
    I'm using a Sony A58 with the 18 ~ 55 kit lens. I really appreciate the built HDR. I have it set at >7ev. It takes three exposures and stitches them together in camera, then saves them as two images- one regular exposure and the composite. I have been very impressed with my results particularly in dawn landscapes as well as high contrast landscapes/ waterscapes. The detail and colour depth in your images are awesome. I would imagine it would be a location to visit frequently in different seasons and different lights. The possibilities for images look unlimited. How do set them up?
    Thank you! I must confess I am happy with these pictures!
    The church is really wonderfull!
    I was there two times. The first time I was at the beginning of my "career" as church photographer, so I didn't analyze too much the light. These pictures were maken the second time, with more light, little bit longer exposures and with the kit lens, little bit brighter then the 14-140 zoom (3.5 against 4).
    I can't tell you if a sunny day, but with the sun not too high as this second time, is even better than a sunny summer day, with the sun very high, so that the ceiling is against the light! It could be an interesesting idea to try again in other light conditions!
    What you tell about the automatic HDR in your camera is very intersting! Does it correct also rotations? Can you customize contrast and color in the final picture? Did you make pictures comparable with my ones?
    Last edited by eengelmann; 16th February 2014 at 10:45 PM.

  7. #7
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

    BBBrilliant, Brilliant... congrats

  8. #8

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    Enrico Engelmann

    Re: My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

    Thank you!

  9. #9

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    Re: My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

    Well captured. The church must be magnificent viewed in person.

  10. #10
    GeorgeM's Avatar
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    Re: My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

    Beautiful series, Enrico.

  11. #11
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

    Gorgeous! If I ever get back to Milan, I'll need to look this one up! Thank you for posting, Enrico.

  12. #12
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

    These photos are spectacular!

  13. #13
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    Re: My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

    Hi Enrico: Do you automatically rotate a vertical image in camera? If so, the answer is yes. I have to tell you Enrico that I am definitely not an advanced photographer; just a passionate amateur artist in light. I can share what I do, but please don't take it without a BIG grain of salt.
    I shoot as many images as I can using primarily Program Auto with Auto HDR +/- .7ev enabled.
    I find my capture images to be a little soft, so I have increased the sharpness in camera by 1. I make contrast and brightness adjustments in PS Elements 11 in Guided mode. ( I have had a lot of troubling figuring out an effective, but simple post processing protocols for myself, but in the past month I've finally decided to import and organize my images using Picasa. I can browse individual files in Picasa on one monitor and and open selected images in Elements 11 on the other.
    I've been having some difficulty loading images, but if this works here are a few of my HDR images.

  14. #14

    Join Date
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    Enrico Engelmann

    Re: My favourite church in Milan: Sant Antonio Abate

    Sorry for answering you after a so long time!
    Rotation: I ment the fine rotation, necessary to overlap the different pictures, if you shoot free hand. For the moment I have to do it manually. Now I use Irfan View, which allows a precision up to 0.01 degrees. But sometimes it is difficult to guess the right angle at once!
    Where can I find your pictures? In your profile? In your last post I don't see any pictures!

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