Hi Graham.. look...i do agree.. i shouldve gone to about F16 maybe..i was using flash to light up the scene.
I think its because im trying to get in at exactly 1-1 all the time,so my DOF is so little, and ontop of that, i prefer my macro to have the head or eye in focus but the rest, at least for me, i prefer to be OOF..but..its alot of hit and miss..as you can see. Am i making sense here?
I actually like shooting at about F8 usually with macro
Do you mind me asking what you usually shoot at? aperture? Distance? Does it greatly depend on bug size?
Totally agree..#2 is just a step ahead on focus on the eyes...im as upset as you
I am getting a set of Kenko extension tubes for my Birthday at end off month...so..im guessing you gonna hear alot from me about better focusing, so any advice is greatly appreciated