I have a look around the web every now and again to see if anyone has found "features" in cameras I own. Features are a software term - something that happens, is useful and may not be what was intended. Focus peaking allows manual focusing without using a magnified view. That is normally needed because the viewfinder has 1.4mp and the sensor 16. At least a 7x magnified view is needed to be fairly sure of an accurate focus. Fine on short focus lenses but awful as they get longer even with the IS active. Things are much worse using the screen as it has fewer pixels.
I found a post about adding focus peaking to the EM-5 and spent 10 mins trying to set it up and couldn't as the options were not available in the menu system. It then found another post that mentions how to set the mode dial before setting the rest up. The steps needed are as follows.
Set the mode dial to A - auto
On menu one set Picture mode to ART 11 mode 2
If a 2x magnified view is needed as well set the digital converter on. Also in menu one
Again in menu one select Reset/Myset and set up Myset1 to the current settings
In menu B set up the Fn1 button to select MySet1
Go back and reset the Picture Mode to what what ever you normally use and the digital converter off and the mode dial to what ever is wanted.
With the camera set up like this the Art filter is selected while the Fn1 button is pressed and drops back to normal when it's released. IS is also available via the 1/2 shutter release. My camera is set up with manual focus assists and using the focus ring doesn't cause the magnified view to pop up while the Fn1 button is pressed. The basic idea is to focus with Fn1 pressed and take the shot with it released. It works with the camera set up for manual focus too. The focus adjustment on Olympus lenses is nice and fine.
An alternative is shown here - set the Art filter, shoot jpg + raw and throw the jpg away.
It looks like the jpg could still be used to judge the results.
I just tried the Fn1 manual focusing. It probably needs a bit of practice but this is a 100% crop focused on the lettering in the table / the gear wheel diagram. Straight from the jpg with all camera processing off. I should have knocked the ISO back 1st really.
One instance where this could be really useful is macro work. The Olympus lens is 60mm leaving little working space at 1:1. I have used a 100mm late Pentax macro lens plus adapter manually with some success but trying to focus with a 7x view = 1400mm in full frame terms is rather difficult even with IS. Can never be sure where the subject is in the frame.