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First, I'd like to express profound gratitude for your site and its fantastic tutorial section... many of them are the best I've seen anywhere, and I was so enthralled after reading the two that I initially came here to read, that I've now studied all of them, including those I thought I knew well... it turns out, not nearly as well as I thought. Thanks!
I'd like to get some opinions on my first "Real" Camera. Skipping the models I started out with, my first decent camera was an Olympus C-750 UltraZoom, that I got for a trip to Antarctica in January 2004... I learned the ins and outs, and was generally extremely happy with the camera; there was really no comparison to the cybershots et al. that I'd had before.
I was happy enough with the Olympus UltraZoom product line to, when it came time to upgrade, buy the SP-500UZ no questions asked. The controls, programmability, and manual capabilities are great: I've taught myself a ton using these two cameras, and I think I've pretty much mastered most of the great flexibility that these cameras allow.
Now, however, it's time for a "real" camera, to help me expand my technical competence, as well as to get the quality that, no matter how much you tweak it, simply can't come from a good-but-not-great sensor.
I'm seriously looking at the Canon EOS 40D. What do you guys & gals think? (I'm quite technically minded and can learn new technologies quickly) All in all, i'm ready to spend about US$ 1500 max. all-in-all for my first purchase (body, lenses, etc.) but can easily see myself spending more over the next few years on different lenses, filters, accessories, etc.
A requirement is that, since I do a decent amount of "aaargh... quick! get the camera out!"-type shooting while on hikes, treks etc, it does need to have some sort of rudimentary auto setting that's decent, as well as powerful customization for the more regular "this shot would be great, let's spend time to set it up properly"-type shooting. If it's relevant, I use GIMP for post-processing.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, what cameras similar to the 40D should I look at (it's extremely difficult to parse dpreview if you don't know exactly what you're looking for)? Most of my high-quality shooting is landscape and wildlife... any advice on lenses other than the standard 18-55mm? As it's been around a while, would waiting for the 50D be better?
Sorry for the long post, but I'd greatly appreciate any opinions on any of the above. Whether or not they are forthcoming, many thanks for the highly informative site!