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Thread: returned to the water

  1. #1

    returned to the water

    Returned to the water

    She came from the sea, one-eyed,
    beach-cast in a Nintendo world,
    that no longer cares for dolls,
    or the dignity of others unfurled.

    Her element-exposed limbs torn,
    by a mariner crazed with lust or hate,
    who, drunk off the coast of France,
    sealed her watery fate.

    But wait! the passing image-maker,
    with digital precision eyes the prize,
    and rearranges her manikin parts,
    to best show her saline demise.

    Image-sated, he casts her to the tide,
    The maiden now free of this new knave,
    floats briefly, before, Norse-like,
    sinking to her silent grave.

    Rob Marshall

    returned to the water

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: returned to the water

    As You know my native language is neither English nor German so maybe I am wrong if I shell say You that ,for me, that little beauty sound like Erlkonig by Goethe.
    Radu Dinu

  3. #3

    Re: returned to the water

    Thank you, Radu. I thought it might be more interesting to have some words associated with posted images - either a simple poem, or some prose text. Anyone else want to try?

  4. #4
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: returned to the water

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    Anyone else want to try?
    Probably not, as I don't think I have the talent.

    But it's fantastic to see you here again, Rob. And, yes, the new avatar is interesting.


  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: returned to the water

    On other forum I posted prose texts associated with my photo and titles of the images but nobody followed me.There,I post and now with texts, frames and titles although in my opinion the images must sustain themself.Although in English, my text are for my own memory telling me about that moment.About the shot the colour is good but I should want more negative space (a larger and empty space around it).
    All the best
    Radu Dinu
    Last edited by Radu Dinu Cordeanu; 9th February 2010 at 07:44 PM.

  6. #6
    CNelson's Avatar
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    Chuck Nelson

    Re: returned to the water

    I enjoyed your picture and accompanying prose
    It adds story to image, most apropos


  7. #7

    Re: returned to the water

    There was a young lady from Aer Lingus.......perhaps not. I love the image though. Well spotted.


    PS your avatar looks like a rusty Mr Blobby. I am intrigued

  8. #8
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: returned to the water

    You are a crazy person; but in an intelligent way. Seeing things strange but deliberately.

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