Brian - how many different bugs have you collected so far ? I don't know if it applies in the Phillipines but in the UK there are plants which thrive when planted into the wall bewteen the stones themselves and then cascade down the wall and make a haven for bugs.
That is a tough question Steve. I quit counting at 100 for different Butterflies. Throw in beetles, caterpillars, assassin bugs, stick bugs, moths, and I suppose I have seen and enjoyed 300 to 500 different creepy crawly thingamajigs?
Then there are the snakes, bats, birds, monitor lizards, geckos', tikis', frogs and the list goes on. Tropical rain forests have incredible biodiversity. We only have 2000 sg. meters but there is an awful lot of life in this area. But I have only been possession of a camera for a few months so my on disc list is dramatically shorter. I suppose though I should begin a catalog of sorts?
And yes we plan on planting climbing plants as well.