I'm sure everyone runs across an old file from time to time that gets a shot at a rework. I thought maybe we could post a few and share what techniques allowed them to be recovered. Here is an example of one previously processed in PSE8 and reworked completely within LR5.3.
The original file was pretty noisy shot at ISO 6400 in really bad lighting conditions. With the original processing, I ran NeatImage on the file for noise reduction. I then used layers in PSE8 to selectively work the lighting and sharpening on the bird so as not to make the noise any worse in the BG. As you can see below it was still pretty noisy.
Working with the RAW file in LR, I turned the sharpening completely off in the details panel. I left color NR at the default settings then with the image at full resolution tweaked the luminance NR until I was satisfied. Working with the 16 bit image makes a big difference I suspect too.
I used a spot on the bird's head at a neutral point and tweaked the WB. Then in the Basic panel adjusted lighting, vibrance, and saturation. No clarity on the overall image.
Then I used the brush tool to select the bird and adjusted clarity and sharpening. With the brush again I selected the BG and turned clarity all the way down and NR all the way up. Finally with a circular gradient I lightened the shadows around the eye and sharpened it. A little work on the BG with the healing tool and that's it.
This was shot in pretty bad conditions. Heavy overcast skies.
Nikon D7000, 200-400mm w/1.4x TC. monopod
f/5.6 @ 550 mm, 1/1000, ISO 6400
Old version.
And the LR processed version.