Untitled by Sharon Reid2010, on Flickr
All C&C welcome as ever.
Untitled by Sharon Reid2010, on Flickr
All C&C welcome as ever.
I like it.![]()
Very intriguing.
I find the two colours, warm and cold, distracting and I don't know which to look at. Reminds me of the addage between evens and odds .... evens bad -- odds good. If you could decide which you want to show us you would have something interesting.
Plus on a second look the warm area wants to be closer becuase of the colour but 'looks' further away than the cold colour so another conflict in that.
Very artistic.
Much more than a toe-dip and very well done!
Thanks guys...I like the colour but for jcuknz.. here it is in ( almost ) Neutral.
For Forum. by Sharon Reid2010, on Flickr
I genuinely don't understand what you mean by 'the warm area wants to be closer but looks further away because of the colour. The warm area physically 'was' further away ( I was there! ) so if it looks so then am at a loss as to see the problem?
Perhaps the 'cooler' version I posted will apeal to you more but within such a muted palette I don't see the difficulty of blending warm and cool colours so long as they sit on the same spectrum tonally.
Thanks for your comments though....
Your abstracts always give me pause for thought. I don't comment on them as much as I should. Always intriguing and it takes me some time to mull over and digest. By the time I ever think of something to say it is too late or someone else has said it better. As the saying goes "I may nor know art but I know what I like". Your stuff fits into the liked catagory
I like this one a lot, too. I like the tone of the soft but rich colours.
Sadly I am uneducated and highly ignernt when it comes to colors, palates, tonality, warmth, distance and any number of other rules regarding art. I do exceed the speed limit *on occasion*, sneak snacks into the theater and choose music that is NOT popular. The above being said and fully in line with my ignernce, I LIKE the 'color' image (best). I guess my taste is predicated on emotion and gut rather than rules and rigidity.
While other of your images may or may not work in color, this one most certainly does. Also I like that it's not titled, this way it allows me to decide what it means to me. Strong work!
I prefer the colour version too but I think I may have made a typo. It is my understanding that warm colours tend to look closer to the viewer and cool colours seem further away. Here the left hand shape seems further away on my sense of distance than the right hand shape, marginal difference I know. But that conflicts with the message I get from the colour content.
I thought I would mention this as you are exploring the use of colour ... I have not commented on one of your pictures since the couple and third person in the hospital waiting room/cafetira you posted some months back as what you do is not 'my thing' ... but if you explore more I will watch with interest.
Not sure how you are adding colour to the image but if the warm colour was on the right it could answer my disquiet.
Without colour to give off the conflicting information I have mentioned the B&W version is very much an 'odd' composition with the eye being strongly attracted to the dark figure ... a single point of attraction close to the right third.
But perhaps you do not agree with the rot about the RoT![]()
As always Sharon you present us with a work of art and along come all your fans and use the complimentary term or word that I would choose to describe it. For me I like to keep things simple when assessing a work such as this, it's got my vote.
I wonder if one day someone is going to enquire as to what ISO or shutter speed you used
I like the coloured one Sharon,I don't know how you did it but it looks like an aquarelle painting:-)
jcuknz...Do you have a real name we could use?
If the warm colour were on the right it might answer your disquiet but it would ruin my picture and since your disquiet doesn't seem to be shared by anyone else I think I'll just leave it as it is!
As you say my work isn't 'your thing'( which is just dandy!) but as you are interested in my use of colour I am most surprised to see you refer to my B&W version because it plainly isn't in B&W...there are blues and purples and yellow tones in there.
As for the ROT, well rules are for guidance and I respect them but if we were hog bound by them all the time then photography and other art forms would simply atrophy and that cannot be a good thing.
Thank you Trevor...your comments are always valued especially as I know how well thought through they are.
Christina...so glad you like this one. I might brave colour a little more.
Grahame...ahhh, yes...am lucky that the ISO doesn't matter too much to the finished product...lets me get away with all sorts of atrocities against the camera.
Binnur...I used to paint watercolours ( aquarelles ) and I guess that is reflected in my PP. Thanks for commenting.
Ahhh....I do miss it but at the moment I just don't have the available space for canvasses, paints etc.
One day..!![]()