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Thread: More BIF Work - Am I Progressing?

  1. #1
    suenewbie's Avatar
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    More BIF Work - Am I Progressing?

    This is really a continuation of my earlier post in this section with subject, "Working on BIF Shots - All Critiques Welcome!" I posted this there yesterday, but I think it got buried since it was originally started a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, I'd be happy to get your opinions and suggestions to help me along the learning path.

    I went out to the beach yesterday (sorry, for all of you freezing in the rest of the US) to try the settings discussed in this forum for BIF. I set my ISO to auto with a max of 1600, then set it to 400 (it was a sunny day). I used Aperture Priority with aperture of f/8, which pushed the shutter speed way up.

    Early in the day, I tried AF-C focus mode & matrix metering, but I was having trouble getting crisp shots, so I changed to AF-S and spot metering. I didn't use a tripod. Let me know what you think. I know these aren't necessarily interesting shots, but they were intended as BIF practice.

    Took a bunch of other non-BIF shots, too, which can be seen on my Flickr page.

    Here's the 5 BIF shots - let me know which direction I need to go to continue to improve:

    #1 - I know focus isn't tack sharp, but I think it's better than previous shots and since I was alone and was "flushing" the Heron to get it to fly and then trying to get the shot, it was challenging!
    Camera Info: Nikon D3200; Lens, VR 55-300mm f/4.5-6G @55mm; Aperture Priority @ f/8; Shutter 1/3200s; ISO Auto 400; Focus Mode AF-S, Single AF-Area Mode; Spot Metering.
    Post Processing: Exposure Comp +0,4; Brightness +13; Shadow Protection +53; Color Boost +16; Cropped
    More BIF Work - Am I Progressing?
    !Lido Beach Walk DSC_1761_091 ADJ by smolnar18, on Flickr

    #2 - 5 For these, someone was feeding the birds on the beach so it gave me a chance to try to get BIF shots without having to make the birds fly by myself! Other than these, it was an EXTREMELY quiet day (bird-wise) at the beach today - no "natural" BIF opportunities.
    Camera Info: Nikon D3200; Lens, VR 55-300mm f/4.5-6G @116mm; Aperture Priority @ f/8; Shutter 1/3200s; ISO Auto 400; Focus Mode AF-S, Single AF-Area Mode; Spot Metering.
    Post Processing: Straightened; Cropped
    More BIF Work - Am I Progressing?
    !Lido Beach Walk DSC_1814_144 ADJ by smolnar18, on Flickr

    Camera Info: Nikon D3200; Lens, VR 55-300mm f/4.5-6G @116mm; Aperture Priority @ f/8; Shutter 1/4000s; ISO Auto 400; Focus Mode AF-S, Single AF-Area Mode; Spot Metering.
    Post Processing: Straightened; Cropped
    More BIF Work - Am I Progressing?
    !Lido Beach Walk DSC_1819_149 ADJ by smolnar18, on Flickr

    Camera Info: Nikon D3200; Lens, VR 55-300mm f/4.5-6G @116mm; Aperture Priority @ f/8; Shutter 1/3200s; ISO Auto 400; Focus Mode AF-S, Single AF-Area Mode; Spot Metering.
    Post Processing: Straightened; Cropped
    More BIF Work - Am I Progressing?
    !Lido Beach Walk DSC_1811_141 ADJ by smolnar18, on Flickr

    Camera Info: Nikon D3200; Lens, VR 55-300mm f/4.5-6G @116mm; Aperture Priority @ f/8; Shutter 1/3200s; ISO Auto 400; Focus Mode AF-S, Single AF-Area Mode; Spot Metering.
    Post Processing: Straightened; Cropped

    Yeah, that's a french fry he's going for...
    More BIF Work - Am I Progressing?
    !Lido Beach Walk DSC_1812_142 ADJ by smolnar18, on Flickr
    Last edited by suenewbie; 30th January 2014 at 04:28 AM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Burton upon Trent Staffordshire

    Re: More BIF Work - Am I Progressing?

    They look pretty good to me. I like the last two particularly no 4. As far as BIF goes, if you want to freeze the bird completely I think you've pretty much achieved it. Personally I try to get a little movement blur especially on the wings and if I can keep the head and body in sharp focus then I'm happy. I generally use AF-S and spot metering as the camera has to do what I want it to, not what it thinks I want it to.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Burton upon Trent Staffordshire

    Re: More BIF Work - Am I Progressing?

    Hi Sue
    I just checked out your flickr site - There are some pretty good shots there. You've disabled comments!

  4. #4
    suenewbie's Avatar
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    Re: More BIF Work - Am I Progressing?

    Quote Originally Posted by clive kirby View Post
    Hi Sue
    I just checked out your flickr site - There are some pretty good shots there. You've disabled comments!
    Hi, Clive,
    Thanks! BTW, I re-enabled comments on my Flickr site - didn't realize I had them off, so thanks!

  5. #5
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: More BIF Work - Am I Progressing?

    Hi Sue,

    I think these are coming along very nicely. I especially like the 4th and 5th images. Nice exposure, detail and focus.

    Personally, I find using a tripod for birds in flight too difficult to do (too many missed shots). Continuous auto focus works well for me, albeit with birds in flight it is impossible to manage sharp focus in every single shot. I'm continuously working on mine and it takes lots of practice and then some, and then that it still not enough.
    Last edited by Brownbear; 31st January 2014 at 12:48 AM. Reason: spelling

  6. #6

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    Re: More BIF Work - Am I Progressing?

    Much improved! I see you got your shutterspeed up. I too like the last 2 best you have the bird positioned below your horizon line and the ocean makes a good contrasting background for them. I feel like I am used to seeing gulls with sky backgrounds.

  7. #7

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    Re: More BIF Work - Am I Progressing?

    Too improve these would help to have better view of head. Beak and eyes are important with birds wether in flight or on perch.

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