The red brick light was built in 1844 to replace a wooden tower authorized by President John Quincy Adams. In 1856, the marvelous Fresnel lens with its 1,009 prisms was installed, after having been proudly exhibited at the World's Fair in Paris.
For two centuries, the Gay Head Lighthouse has been an iconic symbol of Martha’s Vineyard, and New England’s maritime history. But now crumbling cliff threatens the very existence of the lighthouse.
The lighthouse stands about 50 feet from the edge of the cliff, and they are currently losing 2-6 feet of ground each year. The equipment to move the lighthouse requires a 40-foot perimeter. When you do the math, it is easy to see they are almost out of time. It is estimated that it will take three million dollars for this project.
I have two renditions of the lighthouse. One is the actual scene and one is an artist’s rendition of the scene.
Which one do you prefer?
And if you want to test your powers of observation, which one is the artist’s rendition?