As previously mentioned I am not a photographer, but do some work for projects in photoshop (and yes I am slowly learning the photography side for a hobby.) So up front my apologies for any uneducated question. I'm just hoping to learn from actual photographers as much as I can on theory and applications. Maybe this isn't even the right type of forum for these questions in which case let me know! I've found this site to be incredibly helpful in understanding theory
Ok now onto my question....
I was playing around with a techni color effect similar to the photos I have attached. Someone mentioned the amount of 'cross talk' or 'bleed' in the photos which were new terms for me in the photography world. You can really see in image #1 the 'bleed' I was learning about.
How is this bleed or cross talk achieved?
In this image specifically looking at the individual channels it appears the image was sharpened with a high pass and then blended, but does anyone else have any processing thoughts on it?
Duplicate original layer.
Use filter "Find Edges" on duplicated layer then move it to one side, reduce layer opacity.
Duplicate that layer, Flip it.... Edit/Transform/Flip, reduce opacity.
Move new layer to other the side of original image.
Photoshop in it's processing will not introduce any crosstalk or bleed (bleed is not a term I would use as it can have a distinct different meaning in printing). Sensors always exhibit a small amount of crosstalk but the RAW processing eliminates it as much possible. I would be surprised if the "ghosting" you see has been introduced as result of what I would class as crosstalk.
It is a bit difficult draw any conclusions without knowing far more information about (or seeing) the original image and knowing exactly what processing has been done.
I'll be very interested to see what others may think.
Agreed-Bleed in my world equals print, but I'm a notice here.
I broke up the channels and inspected each exposure separately and to me it appears to have been done with intention. Once I found out who the photography studio was I most certainly don't think it was a result of cross talk.