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Thread: Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    30 miles south of Lubbock TX
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    Kris Harmon

    Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    We had four inches of snow Saturday night / Sunday morning. I have never built a light box before and decided to give it a shot. I know the light box isn't professional, but it was a great time killer with the snow on the ground and the balmy 27 degree weather we were having.

    Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    1st generation Colt Single Action Army chambered in .38-40. This gun was produced some time between 1906 and 1909. The badge is one I had made when I was still a police officer. It is fashioned after the current badges worn by the Texas Rangers. It is, in face identical in design right down to the Mexican Cinco Peso coin it was cut out of.

    Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    Same gun, just different lighting. I don't know which of these two works the best.

    Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday
    Another Colt. This is a Sheriff's Model Single Action Army. This is a Generation 3 Single Action Army chambered in the massive .44-40 caliber. Both guns shown in this series belonged to my father in law before he passed away. The scrimshaw grips on this gun were made for him by an incredible artist in Lubbock and the gun itself has never been fired. He wore this gun when he was doing school and civic demonstrations with his K-9.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    30 miles south of Lubbock TX
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    Kris Harmon

    Re: Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    One more for tonight. I have a few others I will post tomorrow. This is the other side of the grip for the Sheriff's model. The artist that did these grips has passed away, but his work is incredible. I don't remember his name but some of his work wound up in the hands of some pretty famous people. One I can think of off hand is George Bush when he was the governor of Texas. He was presented with a revolver with some grips like this.

    Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

  3. #3

    Re: Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    Hi Kris,
    nice shots of nice guns.
    IMHO there are still too many reflections (harsh light) especially in number 3.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    Nice setup, I like the first shot best.

  5. #5
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    Good ones Kris...I too like the first one...and the last one best. Not keen on small guns though -- they kick hard. Do you have a Mossberg one?

  6. #6

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    Re: Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    Kris, I would really like you to repeat these shots with some different lighting/positioning scenarios.

  7. #7

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    Re: Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    Good props and reasonably well photographed. I agree that the lighting/diffusion can be better. A lot of what Mike has done with glass could easily transfer well to these items.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Kris Harmon

    Re: Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    Quote Originally Posted by Werner View Post
    Hi Kris,
    nice shots of nice guns.
    IMHO there are still too many reflections (harsh light) especially in number 3.
    #3 drove me up the wall. That particular revolver is chrome and I fought the reflections as best as I could. Anyone have a suggestion on shooting a mirrored surface such as this?

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Re: Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    Good ones Kris...I too like the first one...and the last one best. Not keen on small guns though -- they kick hard. Do you have a Mossberg one?
    I do have several shotguns but no Mossberg. The only Mossberg that I own is a .22 cal. rifle. I have quite a few firearms. The two pictured above belonged to my father-in-law before he passed. He has several guns.

  10. #10
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday


    Wonderful firearms. My grandfather was in law enforcement in Texas and when he died my dad got his spurs and my uncle got the Colt Peacemaker he carried.

    As was mentioned, the images have too many reflections. Shooting shiny surfaces is a trick and it all depends on lighting.

    Actually, many of the same tips that apply to shooting jewelry can also be used in photographing guns.

    Note, I didn't say "shooting" guns

  11. #11
    mknittle's Avatar
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    Re: Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    Quote Originally Posted by KHarmon View Post
    We had four inches of snow Saturday night / Sunday morning. I have never built a light box before and decided to give it a shot. I know the light box isn't professional, but it was a great time killer with the snow on the ground and the balmy 27 degree weather we were having.

    Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    1st generation Colt Single Action Army chambered in .38-40. This gun was produced some time between 1906 and 1909. The badge is one I had made when I was still a police officer. It is fashioned after the current badges worn by the Texas Rangers. It is, in face identical in design right down to the Mexican Cinco Peso coin it was cut out of.

    Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    Same gun, just different lighting. I don't know which of these two works the best.

    Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday
    Another Colt. This is a Sheriff's Model Single Action Army. This is a Generation 3 Single Action Army chambered in the massive .44-40 caliber. Both guns shown in this series belonged to my father in law before he passed away. The scrimshaw grips on this gun were made for him by an incredible artist in Lubbock and the gun itself has never been fired. He wore this gun when he was doing school and civic demonstrations with his K-9.
    A .44-40 with that short barrel would have quite a recoil.

  12. #12

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    Re: Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    I like 1 best .I would like light a little softer,but these are all beautiful pieces. Those grips are amazing any gun owner would be proud to own them. As far as those reflections I would say Mike could steer you in a direction to handle them.

  13. #13

    Join Date
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    Re: Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    I practiced more today. I couldn't get out and photograph anything out doors. Lubbock was a blistering 17 degrees for a high, more snow, and wind chills were around 5 degrees. I used some different lighting on these and was wondering if these might be slightly better than before.

    Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

  14. #14

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    Re: Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    The badge certainly looks great. The guns unfortunately have lost that "iron" feel.

    Here are 2 articles that may help though they deal with macro lighting but I have found the points made useful in other situations.

  15. #15

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    Re: Slingin' Iron - Something new on a snowy Sunday

    Hi Kris of this group I like 2 best. (feel like it tells the story)

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