We had four inches of snow Saturday night / Sunday morning. I have never built a light box before and decided to give it a shot. I know the light box isn't professional, but it was a great time killer with the snow on the ground and the balmy 27 degree weather we were having.
1st generation Colt Single Action Army chambered in .38-40. This gun was produced some time between 1906 and 1909. The badge is one I had made when I was still a police officer. It is fashioned after the current badges worn by the Texas Rangers. It is, in face identical in design right down to the Mexican Cinco Peso coin it was cut out of.
Same gun, just different lighting. I don't know which of these two works the best.

Another Colt. This is a Sheriff's Model Single Action Army. This is a Generation 3 Single Action Army chambered in the massive .44-40 caliber. Both guns shown in this series belonged to my father in law before he passed away. The scrimshaw grips on this gun were made for him by an incredible artist in Lubbock and the gun itself has never been fired. He wore this gun when he was doing school and civic demonstrations with his K-9.