I did a Demo at Brentwood Photo-Club last week showing how I scan XP2 Super film, using colour channel then converting to B&W with 'Levels' and then some 'Cloning' using FastStone Image Viewer as the Club laptop does not have any 'photoshop' on it, but the Club 'Digital Expert' ( NOT ME !! ) downloaded it. I showed a portrait of my old friend BART who GAVE me the 1962 Rolleiflex 3.5 E3 Planar I used to take the photo by window light and full aperture f3.5 on some 2001 outdated Kodak T400CN film I rated at 160 ASA and processed myself in C41 chemicals -- I had a go at 'cloning out' some reflections on the photo he is holding, one of famous 'Self-Portraits' he takes on his 1980's Pentax ME Super and FP4 + film.