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Thread: Vermont Mountains

  1. #1
    Kyle's Avatar
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    Vermont Mountains

    Here are two photos I took while hiking up a mountain in Vermont this past weekend. The weather was perfect and the view was spectacular.
    All C&C welcome.

    Vermont Mountains

    Vermont Mountains

  2. #2
    dje's Avatar
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    Dave Ellis

    Re: Vermont Mountains

    Hi Kyle

    A couple of comments for you to think about.

    With the first shot, you have a fairly shallow DOF (from the EXIF data, aperture 1/4.5, focal length 18mm and focus distance fairly close). This may have been intentional but in my opinion, there is not enough interest in the flag to warrant giving it the main focus. I probably would have used a shallower DOF so as not to blur the mountains. If it were a person in centre of shot, I would have gone for shallow DOF. Just my opinion of course.

    The DOF in the second shot is fine. The thing that strikes me with this image is that it looks a bit washed out and hazy. You could improve this significantly in pp by adjusting the mid-tone slider in a Levels adjustment and also adding some Local Contrast Enhancement (eg with Unsharp Mask about 30% and pixel radius of say 300). You might also consider pushing the colour saturation up a bit.


    PS Looks like a nice place to hike.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Vermont Mountains

    Were you trying to capture the flag in full sail?

  4. #4
    Kyle's Avatar
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    Re: Vermont Mountains

    Quote Originally Posted by dje View Post
    With the first shot, you have a fairly shallow DOF (from the EXIF data, aperture 1/4.5, focal length 18mm and focus distance fairly close). This may have been intentional but in my opinion, there is not enough interest in the flag to warrant giving it the main focus. I probably would have used a shallower DOF so as not to blur the mountains. If it were a person in centre of shot, I would have gone for shallow DOF. Just my opinion of course.
    I had intended to give focus to the flag but I still wanted a clear background. I thought that I had taken a few shots with a higher aperture but I guess I forgot to change it. Unfortunately I did not notice until I got home. I tried to clean up the background a bit in pp but I don't think it turned out as well as it could have.

    Quote Originally Posted by dje View Post
    The DOF in the second shot is fine. The thing that strikes me with this image is that it looks a bit washed out and hazy. You could improve this significantly in pp by adjusting the mid-tone slider in a Levels adjustment and also adding some Local Contrast Enhancement (eg with Unsharp Mask about 30% and pixel radius of say 300). You might also consider pushing the colour saturation up a bit.
    Thanks for the tips, I'll keep working on it in pp. The photo started out a little dark and I may have made it look more washed out when trying to lighten it a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Were you trying to capture the flag in full sail?
    I was really just experimenting, hoping I could get an interesting show. Maybe with it at full sail or somewhere that shows it in motion. I couldn't see the shot very well before I took it so I set it up as best I could and just hoped it worked.
    Last edited by Kyle; 12th February 2014 at 12:24 PM.

  5. #5
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Vermont Mountains

    Well done Kyle,nice images!

  6. #6

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    Re: Vermont Mountains

    Vermont is beautiful. Love to see more, the vantage point of the 2nd pic looks like it has more shots to offer. Like each season, dusk or dawn. If its not to hard a hike.

  7. #7
    Kyle's Avatar
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    Re: Vermont Mountains

    Quote Originally Posted by jamn4ex View Post
    Vermont is beautiful. Love to see more, the vantage point of the 2nd pic looks like it has more shots to offer. Like each season, dusk or dawn. If its not to hard a hike.
    The hike wasn't too hard, the only problem is I was only there for 2 nights so I was very time limited. I'll keep working on the shots I got to see if I can make any work.

  8. #8
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Vermont Mountains

    I like the second image very well

  9. #9
    Kyle's Avatar
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    Re: Vermont Mountains

    After taking some time to edit the second image, I think I have come out with a photo that is much better.

    Here is the new image:

    Vermont Mountains

    Here is a wide crop of it:
    Vermont Mountains

    This one I tried to clone out the branches that were getting in the way of the shot. I'm not sure if I went overboard and changed it too much though.
    Vermont Mountains

  10. #10
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Vermont Mountains

    It's a definite improvement I think Kyle, particularly the last version with some of those foreground branches removed. The image has better contrast and the sky has much nicer colours.


  11. #11

    Re: Vermont Mountains

    Anywhere near Quechee Gorge?

  12. #12
    Kyle's Avatar
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    Re: Vermont Mountains

    It was near Pittsfield. I'm not sure where the Quechee Gorge is.

    Thanks for the feedback, Dave. I appreciate it. I may crop the edited version to match the wide crop of the other picture. I think the wide format suits the photo.

  13. #13

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    Re: Vermont Mountains

    PP worked well Kyle,I like the last one

  14. #14
    kdoc856's Avatar
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    Re: Vermont Mountains

    Huge improvement, well done.

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