Hope I'm not showing complete ignorance, but is the last line of the following quote from the Bit Depth Tutorial mixed up?
"Most color images from digital cameras have 8-bits per channel and so they can use a total of eight 0's and 1's. This allows for 28 or 256 different combinations—translating into 256 different intensity values for each primary color. When all three primary colors are combined at each pixel, this allows for as many as 28*3 or 16,777,216 different colors, or "true color." This is referred to as 24 bits per pixel since each pixel is composed of three 8-bit color channels. The number of colors available for any X-bit image is just 2X if X refers to the bits per pixel and 23X if X refers to the bits per channel."
Should "pixel" and "channel" be swapped here:? Maybe 23X should be 3X?