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Thread: Waterfalls of Kerala ( INDIA )

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Kolkata - INDIA

    Waterfalls of Kerala ( INDIA )


    Waterfalls of Kerala  ( INDIA  )

    Waterfalls of Kerala  ( INDIA  )

  2. #2

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    Re: Waterfalls of Kerala ( INDIA )

    Another Picture of waterfall

    Waterfalls of Kerala  ( INDIA  )

  3. #3

    Re: Waterfalls of Kerala ( INDIA )

    Excellent shots. I prefer #2 as it has a very good composition and a great sense of danger!

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfalls of Kerala ( INDIA )

    Hi Ashwin,

    I like the almost 90 degree arc of rainbow in the third shot.

    That said, they are all decent compositions.


  5. #5
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfalls of Kerala ( INDIA )

    I like them all, but love the rainbow. cheers

  6. #6
    rogerb's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfalls of Kerala ( INDIA )

    I can't decide whether I prefer #2 or #3. Actually all nice shots. It's good to see large waterfalls like these photographed at fast shutter speeds like you have done. I think it enhances the sense of power and dynamics of the raging waters.

  7. #7

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    Re: Waterfalls of Kerala ( INDIA )

    Quote Originally Posted by rogerb View Post
    It's good to see large waterfalls like these photographed at fast shutter speeds like you have done. I think it enhances the sense of power and dynamics of the raging waters

    Thank you Roger for appreciating the Photography.

    When there is plenty of Sun Light available it is wise to use faster shutter speed
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 18th February 2010 at 06:31 PM. Reason: Fix quote tags

  8. #8
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfalls of Kerala ( INDIA )

    Excuse me Ashwin for posting this picture here but the scene is so similar and however so far away from each other.
    I have shot this picture in Iguazu in Argentina. near Brazil.

    I will erase the pic if you wish Ashwin.
    Waterfalls of Kerala  ( INDIA  )
    Last edited by Antonio Correia; 19th February 2010 at 04:16 PM. Reason: Even larger than a couple of hours ago

  9. #9
    CNelson's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfalls of Kerala ( INDIA )

    All are very nice...I especially like the 3rd one.


  10. #10

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    Re: Waterfalls of Kerala ( INDIA )

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    Excuse me Ashwin for posting this picture here but the scene is so similar and however so far away from each other.
    I have shot this picture in Iguazu in Argentina. near Brazil.

    I will erase the pic if you wish Ashwin.
    Waterfalls of Kerala  ( INDIA  )
    Hi Antonio,

    Your picture has more similiarity with my Image 2, with tree added in foreground, plus reverse rainbow of Image 3.

    No need to remove your picture, we all are enjoying, and learning, the art of photography, and composition, THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS NICE PICTURE. It would have been very nice if you would have posted bigger picture

  11. #11
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfalls of Kerala ( INDIA )

    Quote Originally Posted by ashwin View Post
    Hi Antonio, Your picture has more similiarity with my Image 2, with tree added in foreground, plus reverse rainbow of Image 3. No need to remove your picture, we all are enjoying, and learning, the art of photography, and composition, THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS NICE PICTURE. It would have been very nice if you would have posted bigger picture
    I was so enthusiastic about your pictures and the similarity of the place that I forgot to say how beautiful your images are.
    Unfortunately I was shooting jpg at the time...
    Cheers Ashwin

  12. #12

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    Re: Waterfalls of Kerala ( INDIA )

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    I was so enthusiastic about your pictures and the similarity of the place that I forgot to say how beautiful your images are.
    Unfortunately I was shooting jpg at the time...
    Cheers Ashwin
    Thank you, Antonio, you have not complied with my request to post bigger version of your picture. You have already visited INDIA and have taken lot of picture, you are familiar with condition/opportunity available here to take good photographs effortlessly, only condition is you must have vision, camera and time, and you will have a lot of beautiful - colourful photographs

  13. #13
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Waterfalls of Kerala ( INDIA )

    Quote Originally Posted by ashwin View Post
    Thank you, Antonio, you have not complied with my request to post bigger version of your picture. You have already visited INDIA and have taken lot of picture, you are familiar with condition/opportunity available here to take good photographs effortlessly, only condition is you must have vision, camera and time, and you will have a lot of beautiful - colourful photographs
    Sorry Ashwin but the image is larger now. It was before you wrote these lines.
    Yes, India is a wonderful place to shoot nice and gorgeous images.
    I do know that
    My wife use to say: The World is so large and life so short ...
    There are so many nice places in the World.

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