This is a wonderful study of textures, Manfred: fabric, skin, hair, and well framed.
Thanks Greg - I think this may be one of my best shots of the trip. I had planted myself near a street corner and just stood there, trying to have the people in the market get used to my presence. This beautifully textured and beautifully dressed old woman didn't even seem to see me as she walked right up to me.
+1 to what Greg said Manfred,superb image!
Nicely captured.
Years of history in that face. Great study portrait. Love it.
In addition to what everyone has said, the background color of one wall so nicely complements the color of her clothes and the other wall so nicely complements her skin tone. I also like the very unusual position of her face looking down.
Very nice.
i like
You must be pretty slow to be bragging about catching her. She doesn't look like she could run very fast at all. Seriously though I really like the shot. Nice job.
It's been awhile since I've looked at a photo that long. Outstanding.
Superb ! Nice picture ..
It's less about being slow, but rather about not being noticed. The market is really a local market where the locals do their shopping. There are some foreigners out and about, but it is not really a touristy area per se. Not all of the locals like having their pictures taken, so some stealth is required, especially when one is shooting witih a full-frame body with battery grip and a f/2.8 70-200mm lens (by nature, not what I would call a stealth setup). Add to this that the market is very busy and people are moving in and about all the vendors.
Add to that, shooting at around 1:00 in the afternoon, on a bright sunny day, so I was fighting with the lighting as well.
Stealth is very hard to achieve...your photo was shot very well indeed. I was staring at it for quite a while and came back to it again. My first thought was that one day, I will be that old too...maybe not. Maybe I'd go earlier.
I love the texture of her skin. I've been studying your portrait shots a lot to help me improve mine. Questions I never thought I would ask myself while studying your shots sometimes surprises me. But I do it nowadays...quite a change in pace compared to a few months ago...thanks Manfred.