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Thread: Corel Paintshop Pro vs. Photoshop??

  1. #21

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    Re: Corel Paintshop Pro vs. Photoshop??

    Has anyone looked at Serif's latest Affinity post-processing software? Better still, has anyone used it and what are their views?
    From what I can see it possibly has similar attributes to those found in PS Lightroom and costs considerably less.

  2. #22
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Corel Paintshop Pro vs. Photoshop??

    Quote Originally Posted by RonBates312 View Post
    PaintShop Pro in my opinion. It is easier to learn and use if you are a beginner, and with new upgrades it gives you much more features then Photoshop, and also, you have the one time fee instead of monthly/yearly fees you get with Photoshop..
    If you choose to buy it, I suggest checking this page: where you can always find a good discount for the product Good luck with editing

    Welcome to CiC Ron - if you look at the date on this thread, you will find that it is over three years old.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 21st February 2017 at 11:55 AM.

  3. #23
    JohnRostron's Avatar
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    Re: Corel Paintshop Pro vs. Photoshop??

    Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
    Has anyone looked at Serif's latest Affinity post-processing software? Better still, has anyone used it and what are their views?
    From what I can see it possibly has similar attributes to those found in PS Lightroom and costs considerably less.
    I have been using Affinity Photo for some time now and would thoroughly recommend it. It will read your RAW files and develop them as in LR or ACR and will save your image in a file containing the edit history by default, or export it to another format (including PSD). It offers much of the functionality of Photoshop. It also supports most PS plug-ins that use the standard plug-in interface.

    So far there is little that I want that is missing. It does not support scanning, but I can use VueScan and have the image opened automatically in Affinity.

    There is an excellent users forum which has answered many (but not all) of my queries. The staff at Serif' will often respond within hours or days.

    The UK price has recently risen with changes in the dollar exchange rate, but at less than £50 it is a Bargain!

    Last edited by JohnRostron; 22nd February 2017 at 04:52 PM.

  4. #24
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    Re: Corel Paintshop Pro vs. Photoshop??

    Digital Camera magazine has recently reviewed eight Photoshop alternatives and has awarded Affinity Photo five stars and a gold award plus a great value award.


  5. #25
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    Re: Corel Paintshop Pro vs. Photoshop??

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post
    I used Corel PSP for a while and then changed to PS Elements. My reason for changing was that there was far more information and people talking about the Adobe product which assisted my learning than for the Corel product. Corel PSP was and still is as far as I'm aware a good product.
    I switched from Corel PhotoPaint to Photoshop Elements for exactly the same reason.

    I don't think I've EVER seen a "How-to" for Photopaint in a non-Corel specific magazine.

    While I rely exclusively on Corel Draw for creating non-photographic images, the third party resources for Elements are vastly superior.

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