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Thread: Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

  1. #1
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

    This challenge's theme is: Bridge that gap
    The closing date will be: 15th February 2010
    Theme announcement date was: 9th January 2010
    Voting: 19:30 on 16th February to 21:20 on 18th February 2010

    There are a few rules;
    A) Photographs must be shot after the theme is announced
    B) Photographs should be posted in this thread before the closing date (don't leave it too late)
    C) If a person enters more than once, each entry should be in a separate post
    D) Please include your theme suggestion for a future challenge, if you win, this may be used
    E) No voting for your own photograph(s) - cheaters will be pelted with dead and rotting pixels

    When announced, voting (open to any member) will be by Private Message (PM) to Dave Humphries, over a period of two days. This will ask you to state your favourite three photographs in '1st, 2nd, 3rd' order, just as the Monthly un-themed challenge does. Scoring will be done the same '3, 2, 1' points way.

    Theme choices;
    The theme suggestion of the person that entered the winning photograph will normally be used in the next announcement.

    Good luck,
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 18th February 2010 at 10:27 PM.

  2. #2
    RonH's Avatar
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    Winning Hand

    Well, best I get things started with maybe a different interpretation! Its a 'play on words' which I hope all will understand If not I can explain

    Winning Hand

    Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

    Now in the event that I win .... I name the next theme 'Flighty Felines'

  3. #3
    Hans's Avatar
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    Re: Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

    Very clever interpretation, Ron

    Now in the event that I win .... I name the next theme 'Flighty Felines'
    I'm up for long as my cat swinging from a spinning clothesline is permissible... Aw comon' I'm only joking... but I'm sure that is the only action I could catch that cat at

  4. #4

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    Bridge to nowhere

    I must admit that my first thoughts were about a card game, like Ron. But I've got some other very abstract ideas so I may have another go later.

    However, here is a sort of bridge.

    Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

    On a path from the cliffs to an isolated beach. But the only way of continuing after the bridge piece is to climb down slippery rocks and through the waterfall.

    A bit of a struggle to get a suitable angle, without doing something silly! And it meant shooting into rather poor light, so I'm not sure if it works or not.

  5. #5

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    Bridge that Gap Carefully

    Hope to get something better before closing, but I can't stand this empty thread any longer.
    These old bridges always creep me out. I thought they had all been replaced, but found this one in my travels yesterday.

    Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

  6. #6

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    Green bridge

    Didn't shoot this for the challenge, but it fits....................

    Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

  7. #7
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Friarton Bridge

    At last. Had to go with Plan B though. Plan A wrecked by engineering staff starting work on the superstructure at 7:30 am this morning ... just as I was getting the camera out of the bag.

    So ... same bit of water, but for a different mode of transport and 20 miles upstream.

    Please view at full size.

    Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

    40D, 70-200 f4 L IS @70mm. ISO 100. 3s@f11. Manual. 08:37am January 23rd.

  8. #8
    RonH's Avatar
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    With a Bullet

    Perhaps another diffeent approach
    Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

  9. #9

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    Covered Bridge

    Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

    Nikon D3000: 18-200mm: 1/2s: f13: ISO 100: 18mm: dragged the tripod along for this one

  10. #10
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

    The competition is hotting up hereabouts ... after that slow start!

  11. #11

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    Re: Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    The competition is hotting up hereabouts ... after that slow start!
    Yes, I hope everyone else is out getting some shots this weekend. I see lots of new members in the Welcome thread, makes me think we should be seeing some shots here from new members. Still a couple weeks, lots of time left.

  12. #12
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: With a Bullet


    I couldn't see the the EXIF on your second one above. Do you have it to hand. I do like what you've done re depth-of-field.

  13. #13
    RonH's Avatar
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    Re: With a Bullet

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post

    I couldn't see the the EXIF on your second one above. Do you have it to hand. I do like what you've done re depth-of-field.
    Thanks Don for your comment.
    EXIF ... sorry to sound a bit 'thick' but how do I get this to you? I shot it in RAW then sorted it out and saved as jpeg. I have dumped the RAW but still have the .psd which has all the info. I can of course do a screen capture or type out what you may need.

    From what you suggest, I gather that EXIF would normally be available with the downloaded pic so I must be doing something wrong?

  14. #14
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: With a Bullet

    Quote Originally Posted by RonH View Post
    I have dumped the RAW but still have the .psd which has all the info.
    Oh, you naughty person! Never dump your RAWs, is the lesson I was told.

    Anyway, somewhere in the bowels of Elements will, I'm sure, be the shooting info - Shutter Speed, Aperture etc.

    From what you suggest, I gather that EXIF would normally be available with the downloaded pic so I must be doing something wrong?
    You and me both. I'm still trying to work out how, some of the time, EXIF info from my images seems to get attached, and sometimes not. I know there are 'rules' about which software it does/can happen with and which it can't. But I can never work it out or remember it. If I process RAW with Canon's DPP it doesn't work. And if I do it with UF Raw, it does work - I think. (I know you use all that Adobe Photoshoppy stuff).

  15. #15

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    Re: Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap


    Retaining exif when shooting RAW can be a problem, depending on your software and how you use it. When I convert to Tiff I lose most, or all, of the information but Jpegs sometimes retain a condensed form. Try looking under Exif in your software menu. With me, it's when I use Export that the detail is lost.

    And, yes, I usually delete my RAW files after I am happy with the resulting conversion, although I sometimes retain the best of my converted unedited Tiffs in a special folder which just contains these. I can't move RAW files to different folders, although I suppose it may be possible to alter the camera download destination as required.

    I find that with my software, and the fact that I ditch 90% of my photos anyway, I end up with so many bits and pieces clogging up my system that I can't find anything anyway. So I have to be brutal to keep everything usable.

  16. #16
    RonH's Avatar
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    Re: With a Bullet

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Oh, you naughty person! Never dump your RAWs, is the lesson I was told.

    Anyway, somewhere in the bowels of Elements will, I'm sure, be the shooting info - Shutter Speed, Aperture etc.

    You and me both. I'm still trying to work out how, some of the time, EXIF info from my images seems to get attached, and sometimes not. I know there are 'rules' about which software it does/can happen with and which it can't. But I can never work it out or remember it. If I process RAW with Canon's DPP it doesn't work. And if I do it with UF Raw, it does work - I think. (I know you use all that Adobe Photoshoppy stuff).
    Hei Don. Yes I have the details as follows ... its still there in file properties with everything else about the shot/rework.
    Shutter 1/60th, f5.6, ISO 200, focal length 105mm, no flash (tungsten desk lamp, fixed in RAW software), mounted on tripod. Problem with RAW is they are soooo large and if I don't plan to use the RAW again then I prefer to dump ... depends what it is I guess.

    And Geoff, lets hope that others in this forum have answers to EXIF sending wioth pics ... thanks for your comments

  17. #17


    Taken today. This is a remnant of the old iron bridge over the river in my parents town in Suffolk, England.

    Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

    EOS450D, 18-55mm lens@18mm, 1/30sec at f3.5, ISO200.

    PP in PSE, letterbox crop, levels and slight boost in saturation, border added.

    Comments welcome,


  18. #18

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    Sheep go AWOL

    A different angle on bridging the gap.

    Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

    I was walking along the coast path when I found 5 sheep in front of me; so I approached slowly in order to avoid scaring them. They formed an orderly queue and one after the other went through the gap under the gate and into their field.

    After I passed, they came out again. The grass is obviously greener and tastier on the path. There are secure gates along the path so they couldn't come to any real harm.

    Just a quick snap into the sun, from totally the wrong angle, and although I've done what I can with editing it remains a bit rough; but it amused me.

  19. #19
    Steve H's Avatar
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    Swore to myself I wasn't going to do 'a bridge' for this theme but just in case my other shot doesn't come off I'll throw this in to keep the theme going...

    Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

  20. #20

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    Re: Reflection

    Bridge that gap X 3 First try at a night exposure.

    Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

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