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Thread: Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

  1. #41

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    Re: WINNERS announced

    From a personal standpoint I would love some c&c (if anyone has got the time) on my 'cards' and the 'rifle'. I spent quite some thinking and working time on both of these to try to create 'a difference', hoping that this was a good move. Obviously it was not a 'good move' to think outside of the box. Or maybe it was just my photography? Don't spare the punches ... I need the inputs 'cause I enjoy the challenge
    Hi Ron: Your Winning Hand got my vote for originality, not to mention it was well thought out and composed also. Like Donald said, perhaps some did not get the connection to the card game of Bridge.

    I don't get the rifle shot at all, and thought you were just joking around. Sorry

    Don't quit thinking out of the box. Kudos for coming up with the idea and then making it happen. I had all kinds of ideas; Generation Gaps, Cultural Gaps, but arranging to get the shot was quite another thing. A 20 minute trip to a local Tourist Attraction was the obvious and easier choice.

    I'm stumped for "Every Little Helps" looking forward to seeing what kind of out of the box thinking you come up with for this one.

  2. #42
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: WINNERS announced

    Sahil, Donald, Peter, Arith, Ron and no doubt countless others - my apologies for the 'broken' links.

    The image/post links were put in place in the moderator's forum and then the whole lot copied over to here - it obviously didn't change the links to this forum automatically (why should it) and as I have permission, when I clicked the links to test, all appeared OK, but I was actually being taken to "the dark side" and hadn't noticed

    They are fixed now (I think)

    Here they are again:

    Donald with Glenfarg Viaduct on 16 votes, closely followed by

    Steve H with Air Bridge on 14 points.

    Wendy with Covered Bridge on 7 points.

  3. #43

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: WINNERS announced

    Donald, while both of your entries were good the Friarton Bridge got my vote.

    For me, the Glenfarq Viaduct is a classic photo but I loved the crisp, clear, clean lines of Friarton Bridge. A modern looking structure which didn't seem out of place in a traditional environment.

    I did have a few initial thoughts about 'Every Little Helps' but so far nothing which is easily photographable, so perhaps if the rain stops I will have to get out and think on my feet!

  4. #44

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    Re: WINNERS announced

    Congratulations Donald, both entries beautiful as usual. IMHO Friarton should have been right up there with the Viaduct and and Air Bridge. Both are excellent.

    Nice work Steve, great concept and excellent work putting it together. I don't know how you guys do this stuff

  5. #45
    BriPhi's Avatar
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    Re: And a Tree

    I think I know this bridge. Is this the bridge on Beach Dr. near Kensington, MD? I live about 3 miles from there. One of my favorite bridges in the area.

  6. #46
    BriPhi's Avatar
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    Re: And a Tree

    Quote Originally Posted by rick55 View Post
    Themed Photo Challenge #1 - Bridge that gap

    Canon 500D, EF-S 17-55 1:2.8.

    HDR of 3 exposures using MKHDRI. All 3 at ISO 100, lens at 28mm, f/4. Exposures 1/125, 1/250, 1/500.

    My bad, Rick. This is the bridge I was referring to.
    I thought the tree spanning across the gap looked neat, but when I came back a few days later, it was after the first of a series of snowstorms, and there hasn't been a break since.

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