What camera settings did you use, lens and camera, post processing software? Were these hand held? I noticed some purple fringing on the wings and noise, can your software handle both?
Hi Rita,they don't seem sharp to me,is it because of slow shutter speed or camera shake or wrong focusing?
Hi Rita,
BIF is very difficult to do and equipment has a lot to do with success. If you have to crop too much your images will seem to be OOF and noisy.
Getting close enough might be difficult but is the only solution.
I liked the togetherness of the two birds in the first image; the second image has more details of feathers
Hi John, I am using an Olympus E5 with a75-300m lens. The settings I used were SS 1250, f6.7, ISO 800, the lens was at 300mm.
I am using/learning Elements 11 for pp and I think it can handle noise but when I ran the pic through the noise reduction that I found
on a tab I didn't see much, if any, difference in the outcome. (I am learning Elements) And yes, they were handheld. It was a case of stopping the car, jumping
out and I took 4 pics and they were gone.
John, thank you for the tip on Noiseware. I have downloaded a trial of this also. Need to play with it more but the little I tried just now I like it