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Thread: A Boy an His Dog

  1. #1
    Boatman's Avatar
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    A Boy an His Dog

    I took this photo in 1963 when I was eleven years old. The subject is my best friend, David, and his dog Whiskers. I took the photo with a Yashica twin lens reflex. I recently found the negatives but only one roll. I scanned the negatives and cleaned them up in Lightroom.

    I guess you could say I've been taking photographs for a long time!

    A Boy an His Dog

  2. #2
    travis4567's Avatar
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    Re: A Boy an His Dog

    Great stuff Homer, Looks like we're around the same age and I've been taking photos for a long time also. The digital thing is new to me but I am having a lot of fun scanning my old negs and reworking them.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Re: A Boy an His Dog

    It must have been absolutely wonderful for you to come upon this photo. I hope you sent it to your friend.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: A Boy an His Dog

    Very nice.

  5. #5
    Jim35010's Avatar
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    Re: A Boy an His Dog

    Nice picture!
    I would love to convert some of my old medium format negatives to digital also. How do you do that?

  6. #6

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    Re: A Boy an His Dog

    Very nice photo Homer,I'm sure your friend will love when he sees it

  7. #7
    Boatman's Avatar
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    Re: A Boy an His Dog

    Thank you for your comments. I did send a link to my old friend and he was touched to see the photos - he remembered them but hadn't seen them in decades.

    The process for scanning these is quite simple. I use an Epson v500 scanner and the two-and-a-quarter film carriage that came with it. The images scan as black and white positives, which you then go to work on in Lr using the usual array of tools.

    When I was a boy I had a little contact printer that would print images directly from the negatives. I don't remember the brand or model but I do recall that you could use the paper in daylight. It had a light source and closing top and you would put the film and paper into it, like a little photo copier. Then you would feed the paper into a slot where it would go through some rollers and chemicals. I don't remember anything about the chemicals and I think you had to wind it through - no motor. The prints seem to have held up as there were a bunch of them with the negatives and they looked OK. But, nothing like what you can get after you work on the images in Lr a bit!

    The raw scan is attached. The guy in the top photo? That's me with my dog, Snoopy. NOT named for the Charles Schultz cartoon, which wasn't popular yet, but for the pull toy dog.

    A Boy an His Dog
    Last edited by Boatman; 17th February 2014 at 05:00 PM.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Re: A Boy an His Dog

    Your friend David reminds me of the young Ron Howard when he was in The Andy Griffith show -- think that's what it was called. He was Opie. Maybe it is just the way David is dressed.

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