Very nice.
John, Thanks.
It was a very early start to get there!
I was thinking of starting a thread of low light photos featuring movement, with and without flash. What was your shutterspeed and aperture for this shot and were you utilizing the lighting system for maximum benefit?
I like the mood of this shot, Ian.
The exif was 1/125 sec; f/3.2; ISO 3200. Nikon 14-24mm f2.8 at 14mm. Handheld.
I was conscious of shaking as it was bitterly cold despite the rain. No additional lighting from me, just available light, although the lighting in this area is quite reasonable, the area having recently been refurbished.
I was just changing trains/stations and I could just see a shot there, so I delayed a little and still caught the train in time.
I added the thread on lowlight shooting here:
Lowlight Photography with and without flash
Superb shot !
Nice mood, interesting comp, nice shot.