Lovely shots (as always) but I am a bit perplexed by the Tri-colored Heron, Joe. I'm not sure what I am seeing there. Are there two birds, one behind the other? Or perhaps he is just fluffing his wings in a manner I've never seen before?
Great shots as per usual, Joe. All are wonderful, but really love your red-shouldered Hawk. Been seeing a few of those and the red tailed around lately. I'm inspired to give it a try myself.
Love your backyard! Great shots as always, Joe. Looking forward to being there in December!
They look wonderful to me but the hawk, I feel, is the best.
Nice set, Joe. All good shots and each for different reasons. But the common thread is high quality. Well done again.
The Roseate photo looks like a highlight warning.
Nice images.
Always very nice Joe.
Can you tell me what time of day these are? Are you getting in right at opening of 8 am that I see listed for most parks?
And can you give me a couple of parks to visit that have alot of wildlife? I am currently in Wauchula but will be in Clearwater and Bradenton areas until March 20 ish.
Thank you.
These are great!
Just admiration...that's all![]()
Hello Nancy, normally I plan to arrive about one hour after sunrise. My camera and lens does not handle low light well, the image quality and focusing are better with moderate light. I normally stay two to three hours so I am home before noontime.
When I am in the Bradenton are I normally head for Anna Maria Island. The City Pier in a wonderful spot to photograph pelicans, gulls and terns, both flying and feeding. If I were in Clearwater the place that comes to mind is Ft. Desoto County Park. The beaches and the lagoon at the north end are always good. In late March to mid April the Mulberry Tree is always productive for warblers and song birds. Good shooting Nancy.
All just great - I get the most kick out of that Heron - reflections and all.