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Thread: Hopscotch in North Korea

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I live a stone's throw away from Cuyahoga National Park (NE, Ohio)..

    Hopscotch in North Korea

    I consider North Korea the most hideous and oppressive country that has ever existed (feel free to disagree, I'm willing to learn). What little film footage of street life that I've seen makes me physically ill. I hope I captured my feelings in this image. I tried to integrate the theme of a simple child's game (hopscotch) with the oppression of a police state -- I know this sounds somewhat ridiculous but that's what I attempted.

    Hopscotch in North Korea


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Fife, Scotland
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    Re: Hopscotch in North Korea

    I like the image, as a pattern, though for me it doesn't say anything about North Korea, or any particular country. The texture and tones in the image I love and I can understand its symbolism. maybe if it was used in an article demonstrating the injustices in that regime it would work, but as a stand alone, it doesn't describe enough for me.

    I'm sure they're people more politically aware than me who may think diffferent and I'll be interested to hear their views.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2012
    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Re: Hopscotch in North Korea

    Very nice image! I agree with David's details.

    Notice the one thin line in the upper left area. Consider removing that, as it interrupts the pattern in the rest of the image.

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