I'm learning DPP and there are two options for raw images in DPP which are unsharp mask and sharpness.Is it possible to use both of them or I have to use either unsharp mask or shapness?
I'm learning DPP and there are two options for raw images in DPP which are unsharp mask and sharpness.Is it possible to use both of them or I have to use either unsharp mask or shapness?
Binnur - I have never used the sharpening tools in DPP, but I do know exactly what you mean.
My tendency would be to decide to use one of them and not do a little bit with both. I think doing so would opewn up the possibility of confusion and 'getting it wrong'. I would look at the instructions in the online User Manual (also on the disc that you got) and at the descriptions of each one. And then make a decision.
Donald,I looked at the user manual already.It says you can select from two modes but it doesn't say if you can use both of them by choosing one after the other.So,because unsharp mask is for sharpening more finely I think it is better to use it and better not to use sharpness mode.
Hi Binnur
I just had a quick look at DPP. In the RAW tab, there are two sharpening options that you mention. A simple test using one method set to zero and the other set to max indicates that even though you have adjustments set for each method, only the adjustments of the method currently selected are applied to the image. ie you cant apply both methods.
There is also a sharpening adjustment in the RGB tab and this is additive to what's been done in the RAW tab.
I'd say the adjustments in the RAW tab are for capture sharpening (ie to compensate for the loss of sharpness during capture) and the adjustments in the RGB tab are for additional so called "content sharpening".
Thank you very much Dave,I know that adjustments in RGB tab are additional and I can make my image even sharper by using sharpness function in it.But I wasn't sure about the two options of adjustments about sharpness in RAW tab.According to your post I think it is better to use unsharp mask in the RAW tab and after converting to jpg I can sharpen the image again with the sharpness function in the RGB tab.