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Thread: Bubbly

  1. #21

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    Re: Bubbly

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post

    Full marks for initiative and thanks for sharing the image and info. To me this is an excellent example of what photography can be about, having a goal, enjoying yourself trying to achieve it and having fun producing images that both yourself and others can appreciate.

    Grahame says it perfectly. I thinks its great, imaginative. As of putting water pressure into a garden hose attached with duck tape in the kitchen, the water would most certainely leak all over at the sink ( or shoot in all directions)when you would shut the valve under the bottle. A great shot.

  2. #22
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Bubbly

    Terry - you confirmed my suspicions as to how the image was created; it certainly looks exactly like a Dutch tilt with a hose running up the bottle. Great start, but before you tear down your setup, you might want to try reshooting to see what comes out.

    A couple of thoughts as to the direction you might consider taking this:

    1. Rather than Dutch tilting, actually tilt the bottle and let gravity provide a more "realistic" flow of the water; and

    2. Vary the water pressure so that you get water exiting the bottle mouth at different levels of water pressure and then assemble the images in post. As everything is absolutely rigid in your setup, this should be really easy to do.

    You might even put an obstruction into the flow (using the cork holder) to see what that does with the water flow pattern.

  3. #23

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    Re: Bubbly

    Worth the all effort Terry. Manfred is I suspect, quite right but as an image , I love it.

  4. #24
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Bubbly

    After reading Manfred, i was disturbed for a while that my subject is Chemistry and not Physics
    His point is really worthy of discussion and should not be overlooked.
    And coming to Terry's hard work i stand a second time for clapping hands; yet i would request you to repeat the experiment with a tilt of bottle so that water gushes out and fall as it would naturally; this i request because, once heard from Manfred and looked at the image, i felt the point very strongly. So please, what about another try, sir ?


  5. #25

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    Re: Bubbly

    I see that Terry still has the large red bucket.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loose Canon View Post
    I’m just not that deep guys! Nor do I feel any particular need to be that literal when I’m just shooting for myself!
    For me, that's the most important comment so far in the entire thread. There is a lot to be said for using photography to have fun!

    One suggestion for all of your unused bubbly, Terry: When Champagne was made in the 18th century, it was in the bubbly form (formally called sparking wine) only for shipments being made to England. The French locals and Thomas Jefferson who spent years in Paris preferred the non-bubbly form (formally called still wine). I once asked a French winemaker if there was any way to obtain a bottle of still Champagne these days, as I wanted to learn what it is like. I kid you not: he got a wry smile on his face and told me to simply buy a bottle of sparkling Champagne and remove the closure for a week.

  6. #26
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    Re: Bubbly

    I felt certain the carpet in the living room would have been more than adequate to soak up any spillage but Blushing Bride just wouldn’t have any of it! I’m really starting to wonder if she fully understands the concept of “Whatever It Takes to Get the Shot”!

    I appreciate all the good ideas and especially from Manfred.

    I think I will reshoot. The weather has been pretty cold and I wanted to pursue some other techniques while I had a chance! If the weather hold maybe in a day or so but I have to be careful about running a water hose in freezing weather!

    But I can always just wrap the bottle and stow it for a later time!

  7. #27

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    Re: Bubbly

    Thanks for the image and many thanks for the explanation.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post

    1. Rather than Dutch tilting, actually tilt the bottle and let gravity provide a more "realistic" flow of the water; and
    I would love to see this.

  8. #28
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Re: Bubbly

    Quote Originally Posted by kap55 View Post
    Thanks for the image and many thanks for the explanation.

    I would love to see this.
    You're welcome Brian.

    I'll see how we go with a re-shoot! Seems like everyone else is more concerned about this than I was but since I have the legwork done I can reproduce the set anytime!

    Do you guys go into Daisy Mae's posts (and by the way I love her stuff) and discuss the "laws of physics and literal photography?"

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