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Thread: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    Since last August, photography occupied all my spare time. Two week ago, when my  son and father in law were enjoying the NBA game a t Madison Sqare Garden in Manhattan, I went to the  top of the Empire Atate Building a few blocks awa y. It was a cold winter night. Not too many touris t at the 86 floor Observatory and the city light v iew was fatanstic. The tripot was not allow to be  taken up there. I had to put the camera on top of  the icy wall in very strong wind. It is really a c hanlleng to take long epossure for the night view.  I got many blurrg pictures, but still managed get ting some clear one.   
    C&C welcome. 

    On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.
    Last edited by Hui Song; 28th February 2014 at 03:33 PM.

  2. #2
    Downrigger's Avatar
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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    Masterful, as always.

  3. #3
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    Awesome images; i wonder why you included the foreground parapet in one image ....are you fond of this font, much? its readability is very poor


  4. #4

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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    Quote Originally Posted by Downrigger View Post
    Masterful, as always.
    Hi Mark, Thanks for our kind words.

    After saw these picture, another friend said: "They are very good, like poster or poster card." For me, this means that these pictures lack of the elements to make them a fine art photography. That is what I need to study before I go there again.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    Very nice, my one excursion up there was in winter as well. I'll have to go back when it's a heatwave.

  6. #6

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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wavelength View Post
    i wonder why you included the foreground parapet in one image ....are you fond of this font, much? its readability is very poor

    I tried to show the relationship between the place I was standing and the city. Unfortunately, it does not execute well. Also, the fore ground parapet is out of focus.

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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.


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    dje's Avatar
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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    Well done Hui, particularly given the difficult shooting situation. The closer shots work best for me, with the one with the Chrysler building the standout (number 6). Number 7 is also good, is that tallest building the replacement for the World Trade centre ?


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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    I have seen pictures made from this location at night previously but never any that had this particular look to them. "Like poster or post card"; I think not. Your image processing is distinctly your own and really good. With regard to the shot with the parapet in the foreground; the inclusion of the parapet emphasized the height and darn near brought on vertigo!

  10. #10

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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    Awesome. I went there 37 years ago. I was 10 years old. It was very overwhelming to see how large the city is.

  11. #11
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    As always, saying spectacular is just an adjective. Love all of them.

  12. #12

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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    Quote Originally Posted by dje View Post
    Well done Hui, particularly given the difficult shooting situation. The closer shots work best for me, with the one with the Chrysler building the standout (number 6). Number 7 is also good, is that tallest building the replacement for the World Trade centre ?


    Thanks for your input.

    Right now, the tallest building in US is the new world trade center's freedom tower which is the blue building in #7.
    Last edited by Hui Song; 2nd March 2014 at 06:56 AM.

  13. #13

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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewMcD View Post
    I have seen pictures made from this location at night previously but never any that had this particular look to them. "Like poster or post card"; I think not. Your image processing is distinctly your own and really good. With regard to the shot with the parapet in the foreground; the inclusion of the parapet emphasized the height and darn near brought on vertigo!
    Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for your encouragement for kinds words. You opinion of the parapet is exactly what I wanted to express in that photo.

  14. #14

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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    Isabel, James, Binnur.

    Thanks for taking time view my pictures. I am glad that you like them.

  15. #15
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    If someone says the shot is like a poster or a postcard, perhaps they mean that it will sell and appeal to a great many people.

    I think it is a great series, and despite your own criticism, it is unmistakably NYC with its own brand of vibrancy at night and ok we can all be critical about our own shots if we are honest, but I for one, would be pleased with with the results.

    I must remember to try this when a major event distracts other visitors in the city, next time I am there.

  16. #16

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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    Stunning shots. I agree with shreds - most non-photographers when they say something looks like a postcard or a poster are usually trying to give a compliment and meaning "wow, you could sell those". Only the actual photographer would take it to mean "they're OK, but a bit mass produced looking".

    What a shame they don't allow the tripod up there. Is that a permanant restriction or just due to weather conditions? A spot like that cries out for a steady long exposure but without a're struggling.

    Again, I like those. Really must try to get to New York at some point in my life.

  17. #17
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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    Quote Originally Posted by IanW View Post
    Stunning shots. I agree with shreds - most non-photographers when they say something looks like a postcard or a poster are usually trying to give a compliment and meaning "wow, you could sell those". Only the actual photographer would take it to mean "they're OK, but a bit mass produced looking".

    What a shame they don't allow the tripod up there. Is that a permanant restriction or just due to weather conditions? A spot like that cries out for a steady long exposure but without a're struggling.

    Again, I like those. Really must try to get to New York at some point in my life.
    I think the tripod rule is applied because your setup restricts the flow of attendees. On an equipment safety note, your camera is in a dangerous position to get bumped and damaged.

  18. #18
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    Hui, Your "friend's" compliment must be based on a bit of jealous ambivalence - akin to the comments I have gotten - "Your camera takes good pictures".

    Your pictures are well thought out and fantastic. It is obvious that you gave thought to the technical aspects of your images as well. I had no idea how large New York was.


  19. #19
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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marie Hass View Post
    Hui, Your "friend's" compliment must be based on a bit of jealous ambivalence - akin to the comments I have gotten - "Your camera takes good pictures".

    Your pictures are well thought out and fantastic. It is obvious that you gave thought to the technical aspects of your images as well. I had no idea how large New York was.

    Not such a bad compliment, the one that gives me reason to pause is "touristy shot". and what is the definition of a tourist shot? Is it an image that contains tourists, is it an image of a well known site, or is it an image with mediocre composition?

  20. #20

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    Re: On top of Empire State Building at a winter night.

    what is the definition of a tourist shot?
    One that is taken purely for the sake of memory without any compositional consideration...???
    I would suggest that these are considerably better than that.

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