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Thread: Product Photos: Easiest and quickest recommended setup

  1. #1
    ClaudioG's Avatar
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    Product Photos: Easiest and quickest recommended setup

    Hi all, i have veery litle time and very limited experience in this field, but one of my clients at work has asked me to do some images of a product that is about as big as i'd say a marble. It is not shiny though, its a type of non reflective plastic. I have the basics. Nikon D5100, 35mm 1.8, 18-55mm kit, and tamron macro lens.
    he knows i only do this as a hobby and that i really only dabble in Macro photography but has asked this favour from me.

    I know this isnt easy to answer but how could i set this up? I have no equip for this

    Could i just make my own Lightbox? I've seen some on Youtube that are quite basic and have a good enough effect.

    This is not a PRO shoot,..its a favour, but i'd like to get the best to him as i can in a short time. BTW i only have Tomorrow evening to do this as im working the whole day tomorrow.

    Can anyone come up with a quick home setup and recommend which lens i should use.. i like both the macro lens and 35mm for sharpness.

    All Help appreciated

  2. #2

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    Re: Product Photos: Easiest and quickest recommended setup

    The quickest and easiest way to light it is to use one of the methods shown online such as a plastic milk bottle to create your light tent. (I assume you meant light tent rather than light box.)

    The decision about whether to use the macro lens or the 35mm lens has to do with the output and choice of depth of field. You'll be able to easily get the entire object in focus if you use the 35mm lens but you'll probably need to crop considerably to fill the frame with such a small object. If the image is to be printed, that may or may not be a limitation, depending on the size of the print that you want to make. If you use a macro lens, you may have to distance the camera from the subject far enough away to get the entire subject in focus in one capture (if indeed you want the entire subject in focus). Alternatively, you could merge several captures into one image using focus stacking software to keep everything in focus.

  3. #3
    ClaudioG's Avatar
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    Re: Product Photos: Easiest and quickest recommended setup

    Apologies Mike..Light tent. Would that be on You tube? i"ll take a quick look..thanks for the advice Mike

  4. #4
    ClaudioG's Avatar
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    Re: Product Photos: Easiest and quickest recommended setup

    Does anyone think this could work?

  5. #5

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    Re: Product Photos: Easiest and quickest recommended setup

    I don't know whether the milk bottle light tent is on YouTube but I would be surprised if it's not. Simply cut the top off a gallon, plastic milk bottle. Place the subject on a tabletop, turn the milk bottle upside down and place it over the subject. Cut an opening in the milk bottle that allows you to photograph through. Position your light source(s). Release the shutter.

  6. #6
    ClaudioG's Avatar
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    Re: Product Photos: Easiest and quickest recommended setup

    Thanks Mike, you're a superstar will give that a go as well Ty.

  7. #7

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    Re: Product Photos: Easiest and quickest recommended setup

    Quote Originally Posted by ClaudioG View Post
    Does anyone think this could work?
    Yes, that will work but will take longer to construct than cutting a milk bottle. Unlike the milk bottle, you won't have to rinse it.

  8. #8
    ClaudioG's Avatar
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    Re: Product Photos: Easiest and quickest recommended setup

    Thanks Mike...need some for my coffee and cereal i"ll prob go the milky way Shot alot

  9. #9
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Product Photos: Easiest and quickest recommended setup

    Hi Claudio,I've just seen your thread,this is something I have still to try so will be keen to see how you get on,good luck mate,remember and post the results!

    Cheers David

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