Very nice, the imagination can run wild wondering why the gentleman needs assistance, but what makes the image is that he has a helping hand nearby.
Hi John and thanks. I agree, not sure what was going on other than it presented an interesting moment.
We'll never know...
Interesting - really capture the idea of unsteadiness.
Thank you Mark.
Good candid, Jack. Is there any scope to raise the top border, as it feels a little cramped to me. Also, I would burn the lighter strip of sunshine at the bottom to make it blend in with the shadowed area.
That is better, Jack. Taking the bright strip off the bottom has brought the figures down from the top a bit too. I would still like a touch more space there, but I realise if it is not in the original capture then there is nothing more to be done.
Thanks (again) Greg. I think we're gonna have to settle with this last one. But I do appreciate your input, which I do think made it a better image.
There is still a little bit you can do (for me if you want...just to amuse me...) I'd like that hole on the wall between the leg of the guy on the right be cloned out? Then I will be really happy...
LOL Izzie I never, ever even noticed that drain. For you...let me see what I can do. Thank you as well.
Thank you Jack...Now I can go safely to sleep without dreaming of that hole between his legs.