Chris, my eye does not naturally run to the mist beneath the bridge if that was your intention, as the graves, the bridge and the pub on the far bank 'pull' for attention. I am just wondering if a very low level view might bring the bridge to closer attention and possibly crop out the pub altogether?
Just my thr'pence view.
Oh and don't fall in, there doesn't look to be a lot to stop that happening if the grass is wet!
Thanks Ian. I only comment on the mist, it was not important to the scene. The "pub" you mention is The Compleat (yes that's as it is spelt ) Angler, a five star hotel. I will try your idea of a lower shot although that part of the river bank was underwater for some time, so we'll see how it goes.
Fantastic shot!!! Really nice!
Nice image Chris!
Thanks for your comments.
I like your shot, Chris - the last time I was there, a few weeks ago, the water level was up to those graves. The only problem for me is beyond your control - namely that, from many angles, one cannot avoid including those hideous modern homes (on the right of your photo) in images of the whole bridge. It is difficult to understand the minds of planners who allowed them to be built so close to that wonderful old structure.
Hi Chris,nice image.Do the bridge and the grave in the foreground look tilt because of the wide angle lens?If so,what can be done about it?
I agree with Ian, can't see the mist either but it is a good shot, nice surroundings, nice scenery, perhaps it is a nice place to be quiet in a hotel room overlooking the graves. No matter who objects, I like the whole shot!
I'm not really sure about those branches which are just visible in the top right corner.
If they were larger they would work for me; but at the moment I tend to find them distracting.
Otherwise, excellent.