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Thread: Kind of stuck.....

  1. #21

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    Re: Kind of stuck.....

    Nice images with nice colours

  2. #22

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    Re: Kind of stuck.....

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Andrew - what works for me is scouting out a site a day (or a few days) before I go out to shoot.

    Somehow my subconcious mind processes what I have seen and when I head out with my camera (and other gear) for the shot, I already have a plan as to how I want to shoot the scene and how I want to post-process the image.

    I don't go and do a single shot, but will spend some time on site "working the scene" and will come back with enough material to come up with a pretty compelling image.

    With the shot you have posted, try different camera angles and focal lengths (it looks like the spot has a lot of potential). You could even do a seasonal them; you have a winter shot; return in the spring, summer and fall to see what you can get over time and you could have quite a nice series. I'm trying something like this right now; I discoverd a wonderful place that is about 2 miles from my daughter's college residence (it's about a 6 hour drive from where we live).

    I was there in fall (around Canadian Thanksgiving) and did a fall shot; this was the first time I was there so the shots were really taken as I was scouting out the location. I was there again towards the end of January, a shooting plan in place and got some decent winter images.

    I expect that I will be down again in late April (end of the current school term) and then again in August (the end of the summer term) and hopefully the weather (and biting insects) will cooperate so that I can get some more captures.

    This link should show you how I am working this project / theme.
    All too often my photographs are opportunistic; a product of what chance or serendipity offers me. Your comments have helped me to realize part of getting myself "unstuck" means that I must begin to take greater control. I need to put more planning and thought into creating the image. While it's still a fine thing to catch a moment as it is presented I see that I need to become more involved in creating the opportunity for a fine image to be there to capture.
    Last edited by AndrewMcD; 5th March 2014 at 04:10 PM.

  3. #23

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    Re: Kind of stuck.....

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaneS View Post

    I didn't address the fact that you are feeling stuck in my comments and I must say that I feel for you and can absolutely relate. I think that some of the suggestions on the thread are really good and worth a shot. I have noticed that as I have progressed in this hobby my standards have upped the ante so to speak and I have visions of grandeur that seldom get realized .
    You are absolutely correct on the standards and expectations I've created for myself. I can see I've made significant progress since last April when I purchased a new camera and decided to become serious about photography as a hobby. With improvement has grown the notion that I might eventually become competent as a photographer. My experience is that growth is never a smooth continuous process but goes in fits and starts, it stall sometimes and skyrockets at others. I've been mentally stalled for a few weeks but fortunately my enthusiasm hasn't waned. Thanks to you and the other kind people that have taken time to respond to this thread I have accomplished what I had hoped for with the original post; a conversation that has helped me figure out a bit of where I am and what is next.
    Thanks for participating,

  4. #24

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    Re: Kind of stuck.....

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    I know the feeling...been there and still trying to get that "stuck" feeling out. Took a lot of shots when I was in Melbourne recently, got some from my husband's camera too, started looking into some of them, even submitted a few here. The rest are still untouched...everytime I tried to open PS I start to feel tired so I go do other things in the house, play my piano or annoy my is a vicious circle...
    Best of luck with breaking out of that "vicious circle." I look forward to seeing more of your work.


  5. #25

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    Re: Kind of stuck.....

    Binnur, Nandakumar, Jack, Christina....... and all others

    Thank you for participating in the conversation. It REALLY helps to have thoughtful people that take the time to respond. While the practice of photography is, at least for me, a solitary endeavor, having the opportunity to discuss the art and craft in this forum is of great value.


  6. #26
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Kind of stuck.....

    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewMcD View Post
    All too often my photographs are opportunistic; a product of what chance or serendipity offers me. Your comments have helped me to realize part of getting myself "unstuck" means that I must begin to take greater control. I need to put more planning and thought into creating the image. While it's still a fine thing to catch a moment as it is presented I see that I need to become more involved in creating the opportunity for a fine image to be there to capture.
    I too am largely an opportunistic photographer; but that doesn't mean my images happen by chance. Street, travel and wildlife photography are opportunistic by nature; Cartier-Bresson's concept of the "decisive moment" doesn't mean we can just fire away and get a great shot; we can (and should ) figure out the environment we are working in and try to understand the parameters that will incease our chances of getting that "great image".

    Landscapes, protraiture and product shots give us even more control. But even there, planning and practice is going to help you get from a decent shot to a great shot, even if the shooting conditions are not perfect.

    I find that many of my best shots, regardless of what type of photography is involved involve seeing something (often taking some test shots while there) and then returning later, after I have had a chance to think about it.

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