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Thread: 19 types of photographers. Which are you?

  1. #1

    19 types of photographers. Which are you?

    Is it one or more? If it is more than one, is it related to your main type of photography that you do? Or do you photograph other types of subjects that are not related to each other

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: 19 types of photographers. Which are you?

    This link again?

    As with last time; there are major categories that are missing; for instance I know a photographer that specializes in horses during horse shows, some do abstract art images, there travel photography (my "speciality"), what about underwater photography, etc.

    Typical magazine / journal article that has not been well thought out....

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: 19 types of photographers. Which are you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeffbridge View Post
    Is it one or more?

    Which category of photographer am I? The amateur with the camera shooting in all different categories. As an amateur I am granted the opportunity to shoot in any category.

    Once you have to make a living out of photography you might find yourself shooting a specific category or two.

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: 19 types of photographers. Which are you?

    As Andre mentions, the amateur can shoot what ever tickles his or her fancy. The professional must shoot what will make money. The two are not necessarily congruent. As a pro cinematographer and photographer I have shot many things that were dull, uninteresting and just plain PITA's to shoot. Shooting on my own with no worries about the paycheck, I can shoot what I want and where and when I want to shoot. Now, that's enjoyable...

    I do not box myself into a corner and label myself this type or that type of photographer. I may be interested in one type of shoot today and a totally different type tomorrow. However, there is always a constant thread running through my photos, my rescue dog images...

    I do like the following types of photography...

    dogs, travel (except the posed, I was there types of shots), landscapes, people (specially lovely female people), and so on, and so on.....

    I don't particularly like shooting children, except in my travels when they are part of the canvas of the areas I visit...

    I also dislike shooting family get-togethers or parties. Perhaps, that's because I have never been keen on saving this type of image. To me they are, look at once, and then place in the shoe box (or way down on the hard disk) type images. I know that there are other folks who love this type of photography and those types of images. I am just not one of these...

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: 19 types of photographers. Which are you?

    I'd like to think we change over time as photographers, once you've mastered one genre you keep at it but tackle others. I've tried my hand at eveything on that list except wedding and paparazzi. I'd try the paparazzi thing but the actors want it too much. When they stop wanting it (to get their photo taken) then I might try it.

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: 19 types of photographers. Which are you?

    The problem abut being a paparazzo is that you have to recognize the celebrities. I don't have any desire to memorize the faces of those morons. My wife cannot believe that I do not pay attention to celebrities, I cannot believe that she does

  7. #7
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: 19 types of photographers. Which are you?

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    The problem abut being a paparazzo is that you have to recognize the celebrities. I don't have any desire to memorize the faces of those morons. My wife cannot believe that I do not pay attention to celebrities, I cannot believe that she does
    I just wouldn't want to put my life or anyone else's in danger like some of these photographers seem to do.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Re: 19 types of photographers. Which are you?

    # 22. the photographer who simply loves to shoot - anything


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