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Thread: Funky funnel leaves (help on B+W)

  1. #1
    ClaudioG's Avatar
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    Funky funnel leaves (help on B+W) , this is just me playing around but i'd like to get some advice on improving the black and white image as i feel there is some potential here. I have no clue what this plant is called, but this funnel part is REAAALLY cool, so what im looking for is advice on how to better my exposure, and how you'd go about doing a black and white on it. All comments appreciated!!

    #1 So this is the colour version..which..i fell is weird and kindfa cool..but i prefer the black and white..i feel theres potential..but i need some help and advice with this
    Funky funnel leaves (help on B+W)

    #2 This is my B and W, i dunno..i like the high contrast.. somethign just aint fitting
    Funky funnel leaves (help on B+W)

  2. #2
    ClaudioG's Avatar
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    Re: Funky funnel leaves (help on B+W)

    Maybe the lines and curves are just to much?

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Funky funnel leaves (help on B+W)

    Both work for me Claudio; you might want to look at doing something that is less centred.

    The "funnel" is fairly centred in the image and that is often not the best place for the subject to be. On the other hand, I do like the diagonal line running through the image. You might want to consider offsetting things so the subject is on or close to one of the thirds.

  4. #4
    ClaudioG's Avatar
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    Re: Funky funnel leaves (help on B+W)

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Both work for me Claudio; you might want to look at doing something that is less centred.

    The "funnel" is fairly centred in the image and that is often not the best place for the subject to be. .
    Hi Manfred, i agree with u , the funnel seems to close to centre, but every time i play with image i feel like the to lines leading to the corners need to fit just so.. i'm finding it quite frustrating actually!! could you try a crop for me? it feels like a puzzle..and its really quite irritating!!!

  5. #5

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    Re: Funky funnel leaves (help on B+W)

    You have too many hot spots on the conversion...try selecting the cone thing and convert them separately.

  6. #6
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Funky funnel leaves (help on B+W)

    Hi Claudio,try a crop in from the right and up from the bottom,this puts the funnel in the lower third and let's you keep your diagonal? I'm on my iPad or I would show you what I mean.Hope this helps bud?

    Cheers David

  7. #7

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    Re: Funky funnel leaves (help on B+W)

    Hi Claudio, I hope you don't mind but I had a little try with your pic. I did a slight crop, used the burn tool to try
    and calm down the hot spots and blurred the background a little more.

    Funky funnel leaves (help on B+W)

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Funky funnel leaves (help on B+W)

    A quick couple of crops:

    Funky funnel leaves (help on B+W)

    Funky funnel leaves (help on B+W)

    If put the actual "funnel" towards the bottom right of the image and kept the diagonal line running from the top left to the bottom right.

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