Concerts are something I do frequently and is largely about pre-planning.
Know the venue
Know the promoter
Know the band
Cover off all those three things and whilst you might be time restricted in some cases, all you have to worry about is the lighting and getting the expressions captured. I have even been lucky enough to be allowed to set up a couple of remote flashes on stage to assist. As long as you don't go mad, no one even notices, it just looks to be part of the show.
And that includes doing big well known international names. So I suppose the time spent in developing those connections must be set against hours in front of the screen cloning out heads!
Once went to a photo exhibition, where one guy I know, proudly told me, before the judging, how he had spent hours cloning out overhead wires and poles to create what he thought was the perfect picture.
The judge took one look at it and said,
'I know that location. Its not authentic, you have cloned out all the wires and poles to give it an early twentieth century look, but your subject vehicle was only built five years ago!'