As someone who most recently switched to photographing raw images from jpegs, who is working on improving their post processing skills, I'm wondering if perhaps the post processing settings (white balance, vivid, portrait, landscape, less contrast, sharpening, brightness, hue, etc) in my camera for jpegs might produce a higher quality image than I am currently capable of processing from raw.
My train of thought is that the processor in my camera is very high tech and therefore very capable at post processing, and that the processor would apply the ideal amount of post processing to the image ie; colour, tone, sharpening, curves contrast setting, resulting in a higher quality image... (perfect contrast, colour, and never an image that has been processed poorly - soft clouds and no artifacts in the sky, over or under sharpened - as long as the camera has also been set perfectly)
So if one ignores the advantages of shooting raw (more detail, easy white balance setting, and artistic vision) when speaking of image quality are the processors in our camera better at post processing images, than a person with beginning to average post processing skills?
Thank you.