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Thread: How to start learning Photoshop CC?

  1. #1

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    How to start learning Photoshop CC?

    I subscribed to Photoshop CC this morning and I'm planning to start learning step by step as from tomorrow.When I look at the website there are so many titles and tutorials about it but I don't know where to start.What is the most practical and clearest way for learning? I don't want to get frustrated while learning and I'm sure there is a path which I have to follow.If you have any suggestions I will be grateful for that

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: How to start learning Photoshop CC?

    Binnur - I started with Adobe's Classroom in a Book - Photoshop. The book version came with a DVD with work files and you can get it as a softcover book and electronic Kindle versions from Amazon. They do have a CC version.

    It takes you through the basics at a decent pace. Once you have these, practice, practice and more practice.

    There are free online YouTube videos (of variable quality) and there are some good, but expensive online training sites. and KelbyOne are the two I would recommend, but not until you have the basics under your belt.

  3. #3

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    Re: How to start learning Photoshop CC?

    I am not sure what Adobe offers on its site, but Kelby have 'basic introductions' to Photoshop (and the rest of the adobe's products) for photographers, and to the various elements of the software. EG 'Layers for Photographers', 'Introduction to masks' ACR, etc. You do have to subscribe to the site though.

  4. #4
    Jim B.'s Avatar
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    Re: How to start learning Photoshop CC?

    I'm a big fan of a pay site)
    Scott Kelby also has a great site for tutorials.
    More familiar with They have tutorials from the basics up to what ever level you want to reach.

  5. #5
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: How to start learning Photoshop CC?

    The best way to know is by doing. Take one of your photos and criticize it yourself. What do you want to do with the photo? Now look at the tutorial and choose which one offers you the best solution for what you wanted to do and follow the instructions step-by step without missing a beat. Sometimes it can be boring because you may already know a certain step, but stick to it. It was how I learned -- actual practice...and years of it since Photoshop 7.

  6. #6
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: How to start learning Photoshop CC?

    Hi Binnur,

    Photoshops most powerful feature for photographers is Layers. If you were to concentrate on only that feature, it would lead you almost everything you would want to master in post processing.

  7. #7

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    Re: How to start learning Photoshop CC?

    Thank you everybody,I had known about already and I was going to ask you if it was good but you told me before I asked I didn't know about and I will certainly look at that website.I think it is a good idea to have a book for the basics of photoshop,so Manfred I will inquire about the book you suggested.And Frank,I will try to learn layers thoroughly.While practicing,it is a good idea to read the related tutorial as well,but to do that I think I have to understand the basics first.Subscribing to Photoshop CC is not expensive at all,I have got a discount because I have promised to stay in the subscription for a year.So,I hope learning from the websites won't cost me too much either.Thanks a lot again

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