Hello everyone!
I'm looking for some artistic guidance. I'm starting to get a handle on how to control RAW editing and photoshop, but what I am struggling with is the artistic side of it all.
I am especially interested in how some photographers and artists choose to enhance the colors and tones in their images to bring out the mood and style they want in their images. One of the areas I studied that helped me a lot was theatrical stage lighting and the connection between color and mood.
I realize that I am at a point where more technical abilities with the software isn't going to make better pictures, I need to know more about the artistic vision that directs those changes.
One that I liked, Pete Myers (http://www.petemyers.com/), is typical of what I have been interested in lately. I'm using his web site rather than listing a particular image because he has several portfolios on his site (sorry, I know that is making it a little time consuming to go there and look). Like many artists, he doesn't want to give away his artistic approach as he talks about the technical processing steps he used (can't blame him, I suppose).
I had some art classes in college in color theory and composition but I didn't do a lot of art since PR/music were already my major/minor.
So, if anyone knows where I can find more internet resources relating to more the artistic elements, I would be grateful! Going to college again is not possible owing to my day job. Al$o, free re$ource$ are e$pecially u$eful $ince money i$ tight.
Thanks to everyone,