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Thread: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

  1. #1

    Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Hello guys, this is my very first post in here. CC are welcome

    Model: Nadine Burger
    Hair & MUA: Svenja Achenbach Make Up Artist
    Photographer: Anh Tu Nguyen Photography
    Designer: Thu Thuy
    Assistants: Thomas Maksymowicz, Santos

    Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)
    Perfume of Withered Roses I by Anh Tu Nguyen Photography, on Flickr

    Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)
    Perfume of Withered Roses II by Anh Tu Nguyen Photography, on Flickr

  2. #2
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Whilst female nudity does not offend me I consider it rather 'cheap' to post these images on a site such as this complete with what is obvious advertising.

    I believe we should all take time to consider the audience of a site before posting such material online.


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    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Svetlana's images are awesome.......................................

    plus Daisy Mae's creativeness = out of this world art

  4. #4
    travis4567's Avatar
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    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    I agree with Grahame about this type of image on this site. I have done nude female photography in the past, but these just look like an ad for perfume or something. I don't see their value here.

  5. #5

    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    I would agree that the choice of images may not be appropriate for a forum such as this but with regard to the specific images; one man's trash is another man's treasure.

    As for advertising I'm not all that sure that the OP's inclusion of website and facebook is little different from what many here include in their signature (some of which are rather commercial sites).

    I did visit the OP's website: Very artistic, fairly original but certainly arty.

    This is all just my opinion, I'd rather be fair than judgmental, at least initially.

  6. #6

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    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Quote Originally Posted by flashback View Post

    As for advertising I'm not all that sure that the OP's inclusion of website and facebook is little different from what many here include in their signature (some of which are rather commercial sites).

    This is all just my opinion, I'd rather be fair than judgmental, at least initially.
    CnC: I find his images full of distracting objects.

    It's like riding over a rough road in the desert.
    On the other hand, Svetlana's images are pleasing.
    Like driving over a smooth road thru beautiful forest.

    I'm trying to imagine what fantastic images would result if Daisy Mae applied her creativity on Svetlana's images.

  7. #7

    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Quote Originally Posted by nimitzbenedicto View Post
    CnC: I find his images full of distracting objects.

    It's like riding over a rough road in the desert.
    On the other hand, Svetlana's images are pleasing.
    Like driving over a smooth road thru beautiful forest.

    I'm trying to imagine what fantastic images would result if Daisy Mae applied her creativity on Svetlana's images.
    Hey why did you bring Svetlana up? I am a fan of her too and what has she to do with anything here?

    Quote Originally Posted by travis4567 View Post
    I agree with Grahame about this type of image on this site. I have done nude female photography in the past, but these just look like an ad for perfume or something. I don't see their value here.
    It's not an advertising but a personal project, it's not porn, it's not cheap nude and i respect your opinion but it's not a fact. How the hell can you relate these photos to perfume advertising?

    I post those photos on numerous forums and there were hard criticism too. They can for example not like this and that, but not a single has ever considered them as cheap and i accept their criticism because they are constructive and nowhere near unpolite like your comment. I don't think you are in the positon that can tell and judge anyone that their photo don't have any value to this or any photo site. Photography site are for everyone sharing and learning. Peace.
    Last edited by Anh Tu Nguyen; 15th March 2014 at 11:08 AM.

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Hi Anh - welcome to CiC.

    I've had a look at these two images and also your website. You have some image there that I like, while others are less to my taste, and I think it has more to do with your compositional choices and style versus my own tastes in photography (and art in general). The two that you have posted here don't do much for me, and that is because there is nothing that really holds my eye.

    I find that a strong photograph grabs my attention and holds it, rather than my eyes wandering all over the place trying to find that place. Your first image has the model competing with the bright red flowers; someone else mentioned "too busy" and I think that is definitely true. Compositionally I find the model much too centred (this seems to be your style; I tend to prefer assymetrical images as I find that they tend to be compositionally much stronger).

    The second image I find much the same way; too busy and nothing to hold my eye. The flowers compete with the model and both are almost equally balanced, so I can't figure out what the subject is; are the flowers a prop for the model or is the model a prop for the flowers. I just can't tell. The background and the white veil just add to the distraction.

    Bottom line; I think you may be onto something from a concept standpoint, but it's just not working for me with these two images.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 15th March 2014 at 01:50 PM.

  9. #9

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    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Quote Originally Posted by Anh Tu Nguyen View Post
    Hey why did you bring Svetlana up? I am a fan of her too and what has she to do with anything here?

    It's not an advertising but a personal project, it's not porn, it's not cheap nude and i respect your opinion but it's not a fact. How the hell can you relate these photos to perfume advertising?

    I post those photos on numerous forums and there were hard criticism too. They can for example not like this and that, but not a single has ever considered them as cheap and i accept their criticism because they are constructive and nowhere near unpolite like your comment. I don't think you are in the positon that can tell and judge anyone that their photo don't have any value to this or any photo site. Photography site are for everyone sharing and learning. Peace.
    "Photography site are for everyone sharing and learning. Peace"

  10. #10
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Quote Originally Posted by Anh Tu Nguyen View Post
    It's not an advertising but a personal project, it's not porn, it's not cheap nude and i respect your opinion but it's not a fact. How the hell can you relate these photos to perfume advertising?
    What must be considered is that different people and different cultures will not view things in the same way as you do. Where I presently reside the vast majority would consider these images offensive, although I do not. In fact, I suspect some would consider them illegal.

    I opened this post at the time when there was a rather old lady in the same room who would have been horrified if she had seen them on the screen and wonder what her view of me would have been having no concept of what a 'photography' forum/site was.

    In addition, to date I have never had any concern spending my time on CiC regarding content but with both young children and adults sometimes present that could be offended perhaps I need to start having to consider what will be revealed under ambiguous titles.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anh Tu Nguyen View Post
    Photography site are for everyone sharing and learning. Peace.
    The concern here is that an audience or membership of 'everyone' could include those of whom will be offended and also those that we would wish to be protected from seeing this type of material.

    As for your images none of my initial post comments were with reference to their photographic standard.


  11. #11
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Grahame - I would suggest that cultural differences are indeed part of the issue here. Many societies are somewhat sensitive to seeing naked bodies; this certainly seems prevelent in a lot of the English speaking world, and in their ex-colonies. Other societies are even more strict about this.

    On the other hand, this is not an issue in much of Western Europe, and from what I can tell from his website, Anh is based in Germany, which does not have as many hang-ups with nudity; so I understand the environment he is coming from.

    I find it a bit interesting; I have posted nude images here on this site, but they would be viewed as documentary images or photojournalism, having been taken in some rather remote, tribal parts of Africa, and I got lots of interesting comments, but no one seemed offended by them.

    Omo Valley - Ethiopia:


    I find this an interesting philosophical point; when is nudity "acceptable"?

  12. #12
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    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    I find this an interesting philosophical point; when is nudity "acceptable"?

    I suspect the only answer to that question is determined by an 'individuals' view. An 'individual' being someone of a reasonable age (and each society/country has varied views and laws regarding age responsibilities) of sound mind.

    Your images which I viewed when first posted did actually make me consider the nudity aspect of which I had no concerns and I would class as you have, documentary/photo journalism or simply life as it is. Similar pictures/nudity can be seen in our local history archive/museum here and I would not expect them to be offensive to the culture and would not worry if a young child of mine saw them.

    Now, if we were to take your subjects and pose them in a similar contrived manner as the post here that some will consider exploiting the naked body it's a whole different ball game.

    Edit : Out of interest I did a google search on what NFSW means which is at the end of the title, interestingly it comes up with "Not for showing wife"

    Last edited by Stagecoach; 16th March 2014 at 02:56 AM.

  13. #13
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    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post
    Edit : Out of interest I did a google search on what NFSW means which is at the end of the title, interestingly it comes up with "Not for showing wife"

    I think he meant to use NSFW which usually means "not safe for work." Often used to show the post contains nudity or inappropriate content.

    I don't mind the nudity but I think the images are too busy. It is hard to tell where to look. I looked at some of your other work and it is really good. I think if the roses were toned down a bit they might not compete with the woman.

  14. #14

    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Hello Kyle, Stagecoach and Grumpy,
    thank you guys for all the feedbacks. Like i said, i can accept and learn from the criticism, even the hard ones (but constructive). But not from this kind of comment from travis4567 because i am really offended by what he said.

    And seconds, what i find more disturbing and wrong is how the media and the society treats sex and nudity compared to the way they treat violence. Everyone thinks nudity and sex are bad, but violence is okay. And besides, i don't even think these two images are deserved to be considered as cheap nudity photographs!

  15. #15
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    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Quote Originally Posted by Anh Tu Nguyen View Post
    Hello Kyle, Stagecoach and Grumpy,
    thank you guys for all the feedbacks. Like i said, i can accept and learn from the criticism, even the hard ones (but constructive). But not from this kind of comment from travis4567 because i am really offended by what he said.

    And seconds, what i find more disturbing and wrong is how the media and the society treats sex and nudity compared to the way they treat violence. Everyone thinks nudity and sex are bad, but violence is okay. And besides, i don't even think these two images are deserved to be considered as cheap nudity photographs!
    If you are offended by a comment and you refer specifically to the one from Travis;

    Quote ""I agree with Grahame about this type of image on this site. I have done nude female photography in the past, but these just look like an ad for perfume or something. I don't see their value here."" Unquote

    I fail to see how anyone can be 'offended' by such a statement, it is their view, totally uncontroversial and absolutely polite.

    With respect to the word 'Cheap' which I used it is with regard to you posting this type of image on a site of which has a very varied membership and in my opinion is not the type of image that should be here when taking account of the sites code of conduct of which I quote;

    Audience. All communications should be respectful of other members. Keep in mind that this forum is aimed at a general audience, including young people. The posting of profanities, and/or generally offensive or pornographic content is not appropriate.

    I also have to disagree with your statement above that everyone thinks violence is okay.


  16. #16
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    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Quote Originally Posted by Anh Tu Nguyen View Post
    How the hell can you relate these photos to perfume advertising?
    Maybe because of the word “perfume” in your title?

    Quote Originally Posted by Anh Tu Nguyen View Post
    I post those photos on numerous forums and there were hard criticism too. They can for example not like this and that, but not a single has ever considered them as cheap and i accept their criticism because they are constructive and nowhere near unpolite like your comment. I don't think you are in the positon that can tell and judge anyone that their photo don't have any value to this or any photo site. Photography site are for everyone sharing and learning. Peace.
    And yet Facebook removed this very photo from your site as abusive content due to nudity. In retaliation you made the very same offensive generalizations that you are making here. Almost verbatim.

    If you had spent any time perusing this forum you might have noticed that there are no nudes posted. There are children that are welcome here and I would doubt their parents, also members, would appreciate you posting gratuitous nudity shots. Maybe you might get the message that certain content is considered unacceptable in certain venues and you should endeavor to respect and abide by that. There are other venues that have other standards where this style of shot may be more acceptable and welcome.

    I personally have no issue with your photographs here. I have a huge issue with this type of irresponsible stereotyping:

    Quote Originally Posted by Anh Tu Nguyen View Post
    Everyone thinks nudity and sex are bad, but violence is okay.
    Regardless of what you think “everyone”, “the media”, and “society” (your words) thinks or should think according to you.

    Why didn’t you post one of your many other shots, most of which I found quite imaginative, for comment? Is it that you just want to create controversy so you can somehow justify a generalized rant here on what you think “everyone”, “the media”, and “society” thinks regarding sex, nudity, and violence and why "everyone" but you is wrong? Political rants can be found HERE.

    I am part of these three categories and I can promise you have no idea what I think about any of these subjects.

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    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Seems like your statements border on arrogance and/or ignorance.
    Do you have proof media and society is "disturbing and wrong"??
    When you state "everyone", does'nt that include yourself?
    Have you asked "everyone" or did you just imagine this?

    lastly, I agree with you those two images shouldn't be considered even as "cheap nudity photographs".

    Quote Originally Posted by Anh Tu Nguyen View Post

    And seconds, what i find more disturbing and wrong is how the media and the society treats sex and nudity compared to the way they treat violence. Everyone thinks nudity and sex are bad, but violence is okay. And besides, i don't even think these two images are deserved to be considered as cheap nudity photographs!
    Last edited by nimitzbenedicto; 18th March 2014 at 02:12 AM.

  18. #18
    travis4567's Avatar
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    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Quote Originally Posted by Anh Tu Nguyen View Post
    Hello Kyle, Stagecoach and Grumpy,
    thank you guys for all the feedbacks. Like i said, i can accept and learn from the criticism, even the hard ones (but constructive). But not from this kind of comment from travis4567 because i am really offended by what he said.

    And seconds, what i find more disturbing and wrong is how the media and the society treats sex and nudity compared to the way they treat violence. Everyone thinks nudity and sex are bad, but violence is okay. And besides, i don't even think these two images are deserved to be considered as cheap nudity photographs!
    I agree with Grahame about this type of image on this site. I have done nude female photography in the past, but these just look like an ad for perfume or something. I don't see their value here.

    Sorry Anh, you need to develop a thicker skin. I've had some of my photos heavily criticized here also & I've tried to learn from it. I meant no disrespect for you or your work..just stating my opinion.

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    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    Anh - you are dealing with a group that, to a large extent, has a different set of moral values than you are used to. The amount of nudity in your images is less than what one sees in commercials during prime-time television in much of Continental Europe; where adults and children are exposed to this on a daily basis. People in North America are not, and a number do consider this immoral and offensive.

    When I first moved to Europe for work, I found this openess a bit uncomfortable, in spite of my knowing about it. By the time I left some 18 months later, I didn't even blink. What is the norm in Aachen, Germany will offend a lot of the American members, just as Germans (and other Europeans) have questions about American societal norms. I get a lot of questions when Europena friends and relatives visit me, and I have to explain that Canadians often have different opinions of things than our American friends and neighbours.

    As I do not shoot nudes, I don't get that worried about offending people here with these types of images. That being said, I did a lot of soul-searching before I posted photojournalistic / documentary image of naked and semi-naked members of some tribes found in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia, simply because I did not want to offend anyone.

    Not offending people is a good thing, now that you have been made aware of how some people feel, perhaps you might want to consider not posting images that people find offensive? Enough of the work you have on your website would be considered inoffensive by most; posting those images would get you some excellent feedback from some very astute and experienced photographers. I suspect that feedback is what you are after and why you posted here.

    A thought to those of you that have made moral judgements; I do understand where you are coming from. but that does not mean I necessarily agree with you. One thing I have learned traveling across the world is that not everyone thinks alike and has the same values. That does not make one group right and the other wrong; but rather they have different views and a different value system. That makes for a very interesting world. If you get a chance to travel outside of where you live, do so, with an open mind because the people you are visiting, as strange as their customs may seem, feel the same way about you. Visiting a resort, going on a cruise and staying in an international hotel chain don't count...

  20. #20
    dragon76's Avatar
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    Re: Perfume of Withered Roses (NFSW)

    These images are fine. I don't see how these images would offend any photographers. In regarding nudity, it's all over the internet, I don't think young audiences need to sign up to CIC just to see some nudity.

    With that out of the way, I've been to your website and like some of your shots (Memento Mori). You have good ideas and interesting settings and shooting budgets that I'd like to have. Your retouching resembles Shana Rae collection. Regarding the 2 images here, I like #2 better, I like how the fabric accentuates the model form but I'd remove the background fabric. with #1, I'd move the rose closer to her left ear to fill up that boring space and to be contour with her face and shoulder. Also, either she's really tan or it's your retouching preference but her skin is a bit over cooked to me. that's my $0.2 c



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