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Thread: Bird bath: What is missing?

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Andre Burger

    Bird bath: What is missing?

    I have not posted an image in a long while now. The reason is that I have been trying to make sense of why I have a camera and why I am taking pictures. What is my goal and what do I want to show my viewer.

    In this image I want to show the viewer a bird bath in a specific location in specific lighting conditions. In an attempt to render colours and the mood as accurate as possible I shot in JPeg using manual WB. The light was beautiful as it was completely overcast with the sunlight filtering trough the clouds. I used a small aperture to control DOF. I tried avoiding background distractions with a tight composition.

    The more I look at it the more reluctant I am to post it. That feeling of something missing in the image. It is not supposed to be a stunning award winner, it is supposed to be a simple subject depicting a specific mood.

    Please do not spare me any criticism. Be rude if you need to, I don’t care, as long as it will help me better understand what I am missing?

    Bird bath: What is missing?

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    1. A bird.
    2. Specific lighting condition, perhaps a title to convey which.
    3. Angle of view might be reconsidered.
    4. Location-not specified.

    I think you provided us with too much information about what you wanted to convey and not enough presented in the image.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    Sometimes shots just don't work, Andre.

    The diffuse lighting is going to give you a lot of detail, but will not give you interesting shadows, so while everything shows, the view is not all that exciting. In theory, out eyes should be drawn to the bowl in the birdbath, because it is lighter than the background, and indeed they are, but when they get there, my head says "so what".

    So, what can be done to strengthen this image? I have a few thoughts.

    1. Place it into context. The way you have shot it, Andre, it is a birdbath standing there by itself we really don't know anything about it. Is the location intesting? if so, maybe this would help; so a shot in landscape format might work a bit better.

    2. The water - while the bowl pulls our eyes in, once they get there, there is nothing of interest there. All we see is scum in the water. Hardly exciting...

    3. The stand is boring - I'm not sure if the stand / base add anything to the picture. A tighter crop might work better.

    4. The opposite of my first comment - concentrate on the detail; a closeup of the sides of the bowl might be interesting.

    5. Angle of view - work the shot; looking down isn't working. perhaps something more oblique or a shot fromt the ground looking up?

  4. #4

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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    Quote Originally Posted by AB26 View Post
    In this image I want to show the viewer a bird bath in a specific location in specific lighting conditions.
    If you have successfully done that, you have accomplished your goals. Only you know whether you successfully did that because only you know the specific location and lighting conditions you wanted to show.

    However, consider that none of that has anything to do with whether the viewer will enjoy seeing your image. You certainly have enough knowledge of photography and what people like to see to determine the likelihood that they will enjoy viewing your image.

    A recent example in my case is that I made an image of raw meat accompanied by raw vegetables that had the normal imperfections (brown spots, etc.). I wanted to show vegetables in the manner that they are almost always seen. Some viewers felt that I should have included only perfect vegetables with no imperfections. So, it ultimately came down to whether I make a photo that other people want to see or one that I want to see.

    My guess is that you made this photo according to what you want to see, which will be what very few others want to see for the reasons already mentioned in previous posts. If that suits your needs, that's fine. If not, you already have the skills and knowledge to make the necessary changes.

  5. #5
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    For my eyes, I want to see the bird bath in its standing position in that location. If the location do not offer a good background, then a good bokeh will nail it for it's sharpness of the bird bath. Maybe finding a bird is a bit difficult for the photoshoot so leave it out. I don't want to see the scum in the bath...maybe a little of it in an angle to show the little bit of water...but what do I know? I've been wrong before asking for something that did not work after all. It is up to you. You are the photographer.

  6. #6
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    The image lacks some power... it lacks some point of interest... and the low light does not help.... This is not in the line of your previous images....


  7. #7

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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    Hi Andre ,if the place near where you live,it might be a good idea to go there and shoot again with different angles and different compositions.Then if you study all of them,you might find a fulfilling one

  8. #8
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wavelength View Post
    The image lacks some power... it lacks some point of interest... and the low light does not help.... This is not in the line of your previous images....

    Absolutely. Nearly every photograph needs a point of interest or something in the image that makes our eyes pause for a second. A point of interest may be incidental to the overall subject of the photograph. e.g. A small bird in the sky of a seascape photograph or in the bird bath photo a small leaf floating on the water.

    Increasing the contrast of the reflections on the water in the birdbath may be enough to introduce a point of interest.
    Last edited by pnodrog; 14th March 2014 at 09:03 PM.

  9. #9

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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    You certainly have enough knowledge of photography and what people like to see to determine the likelihood that they will enjoy viewing your image.
    No Mike, you are wrong. I am back to the bottom of the learning curve. Trying to learn from what I have learned.

  10. #10

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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    A warm word of thank you to all for the honest comments. Thanks for spending your time to look.

    I re-shot this morning after giving it a little more thought. Would this be an improvement?

    Bird bath: What is missing?

  11. #11
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    Reshoot is different, DOF conveys different subject than the bird bath though. Perhaps the water or the sky and foliage reflected within the pool of water. Still no sense of place which you said you wanted to convey.

  12. #12
    rtbaum's Avatar
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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    I'm sorry Andre, but all that I see here is an out of focus, filthy bird bath. I would first clean the bird bath, add some flowering plants to add interest, place bird feeders in the area, wait for birds to begin to frequent the bird bath, shoot from about 4 o'clock position at a lower perspective, and work a little harder to nail the focus. You can do better! A little weeding would also benefit the setup.

  13. #13

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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    I like the reflections in the water but it is still a poor composition and the whole thing is more out of focus than the first image.

  14. #14

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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    If you take the reflection in this shot and paste it into the first shot, and then match the lighting of the 2nd shot, you might have something, Andre.

  15. #15
    Ken Curtis's Avatar
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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    Hi Andre. It's been a long time since I have been active on this site too. Finally getting back to it.

    In your description, you mentioned, "I want to show the viewer a bird bath in a specific location in specific lighting conditions." You accomplished your mission. However, what we can not tell is what is it that inspired you to take a photo of the bird bath? You could have shot a rubber duck under the same conditions, but you chose the bird bath. Why? Did you like the textures of the rim? Did you like the reflection in the water? Did you like the shapes of the grapes (?) around the rim? I think if you answer the question about what inspired you, then you'll have a better idea of how to compose the photograph. My two cents worth...

    And, lastly, I remember your work as being very good. I know you don't have to start over, maybe just get back into the groove. Good luck.

  16. #16

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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    Quote Originally Posted by AB26 View Post
    I have not posted an image in a long while now. The reason is that I have been trying to make sense of why I have a camera and why I am taking pictures. What is my goal and what do I want to show my viewer...
    I think you think too much, Andre. You don't make a living with your photography. So why are you worried about what the viewer wants to see? What do you enjoy shooting? Why did you get into photography to start with? When things get too complicated it always helps me to get back to basics.

  17. #17

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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    ................ It is up to you.
    You are the photographer.

  18. #18

    Join Date
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    Re: Bird bath: What is missing?

    Thank you again for all the comments and suggestions.
    I knew it, crap image, crappy subject. The only thing in the image that works is probably exposure and focus.

    Back to the drawing board with the knowledge gained from all the comments.

    One thing we should remember is that nature does not create any "filth" or "scum", only humans can generate that.

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