err..hum a chap in the air sideways. The black girl on the left isn't looking, the chap behind the kid with the white hood is looking at you or the girl bending over, lots of things going on here. If only you could be everywhere at once.cheers
It's a candid shot so any interpretation would be allowed, multiple photographers, head in the way of the posting photographer, who's looking at what. I think if a few of the distractions were cropped, shoulder on the left of photograph, this might turn out more interesting.
Makes me glad I stayed in school.
A slight crop of the left side, top and bottom might remove some of the distractions but I'm not really sure.
With a 'real action' shot there are always going to be some people in the 'wrong place' and if it looks too perfect it wouldn't seem real life.
Too bad the shoulder couldn't be photoshopped out and the lower torso of the figures by the tree somehow extended or the fabrics interpolated. Not as original as the image posted but it would be less distracting. I guess the real option would be to move your position and take multiple shots of the scene.