Originally Posted by
Mike Buckley
If I understand your thinking correctly, there is no "true" histogram for the same reason that there is no "true" image. You use certain controls on your camera and in your post-processing software to make the image you want to make. In each step throughout that process, you can (should) review the histogram to determine the distribution of tones (luminosity values) in the image.
For all practical purposes (emphasize that first phrase!), it really doesn't matter which Picture Control you use when capturing a RAW file. That's because you can so easily change it when post-processing it. Changing it during post-processing won't affect the distribution of tones (clipping and the like) so much that you can't compensate for any unwanted effects that arise because of the change. I use the Standard Picture Control only because as a matter of convenience I find that more often than not I don't need to change it to achieve the look I want. If you find that using the Neutral Picture Control more often than not needs no change to achieve the look that you want, continue using it.