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Thread: photoshop selections

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Greensboro NC USA
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    Jim Alexander

    photoshop selections

    I am making the transition from GIMP to photoshop CS3 (because it was given to me for free GIMP allowed me to place a threshold effect on a layer and then use that as a selection of the white areas (or the black areas with an invert), but I have spent a couple of hours scouring the internet for a way to do this in CS3. Can anyone share their secet?

    Thanks much,

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: photoshop selections

    You should be able to select a specific area with one of the quick selection or lasso tools, there is an inverse tool under the Select menu.

  3. #3

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    Re: photoshop selections

    Quote Originally Posted by jimalexander View Post
    I am making the transition from GIMP to photoshop CS3 (because it was given to me for free GIMP allowed me to place a threshold effect on a layer and then use that as a selection of the white areas (or the black areas with an invert), but I have spent a couple of hours scouring the internet for a way to do this in CS3. Can anyone share their secet?

    Thanks much,
    I don't understand what you are trying to do. Are you trying to use the threshold as a layer mask?

  4. #4

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    Re: photoshop selections

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve S View Post
    I don't understand what you are trying to do. Are you trying to use the threshold as a layer mask?
    I applied a threshold adj layer to my image (which will be composited), and I want to be able to use the white areas of the threshold as a selection to be deleted.

  5. #5

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    Re: photoshop selections

    If you are, you can add a duplicate layer............go to image.......adjustments........threshold.......adj ust the slider the way you like it, and hit ok. duplicate the base layer again and add a mask, reveal on your threshold layer and hit ctrl A, ctrl C..........this will copy the threshold you need to paste it in the mask on the mask box and hit alt, right click....screen will turn white...............then hit ctrl V to paste it in the box. Now the threshold layer will be in the mask box. If you want it the other way, just invert the mask layer by clicking on the mask box and hit ctrl I.

  6. #6

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    Jim Alexander

    Re: photoshop selections

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    You should be able to select a specific area with one of the quick selection or lasso tools, there is an inverse tool under the Select menu.

    The areas to be selected are patches of blown out sky between leaves in a tree, and my lasso/quick selection skills weren't good enough to get a clean job out of it. The threshold has it perfectly. If I can select the white areas of the threshold adj layer and delete them, it'll work out.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Jim Alexander

    Re: photoshop selections

    Steve S, got it! thanks a lot.

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