A snow goose swimming in front of a waking flock of Sandhill Cranes in a cold December dawn at Bosque del Apache, NWR, New Mexico
This is one of a pitifully few images from a very quick shoot at Bosque del Apache, New Mexico. I had been shooting the first morning for less than an hour and a half, at about 0 (~ -18 C.) degrees F., when my wife called me on my cell phone to tell me that the furnace in our motor home was not working and that she wanted to leave immediately to get it repaired.
The repair center was a few hundred miles down the road and I never got back to the Bosque to shoot. In the frustration of packing up and leaving, I had lost the CF card with the few images that I had managed to shoot. As I was looking in my wife's desk drawer today, I found the stray CF card. So much for images that have been missing for over three years...
I have not looked at all the images but this one struck my fancy in the "Dare to Be Different" category, contrasting the white snow goose with the brownish-gray cranes. The cranes are magnificent birds with wing spans of about 5-6 feet (1.5 - 1.8 m)...
Here are some more images...